UNIT 11 Flashcards
The frame buffer is the area of memory where the screen is stored, while the back buffer is a backup buffer in case the frame buffer becomes corrupted.
False, frame buffer is the visible frame where the computer visibly draws to. Back buffer is where the hidden frame is rendered before being sent to the frame buffer.
The back buffer is either copied to the frame buffer, or the buffers are switched. Switching buffers includes double copying; therefore, copying the back buffer to the frame buffer is faster.
False, the switch is done by telling the television or monitor to read data from the other buffer, rather than copying memory
To increase rendering speed, a programmer can decide to only render visible objects. This is only problematic if some objects are partially visible.
Rendering objects in a specific sequence, from far away to nearby, for the sake of showing only visible objects, is not an optimal method.
The depth buffer solves the problems of visibility, except for the example of the ‘bird in the cage’.
False, it solves this problem because for each pixel on the back buffer, there is a corresponding pixel in the depth buffer which is never directly displayed on-screen. It just decides which pixels are visible and which are not.
Stencil buffers are anything that requires pixels to be rejected on a pixel basis.
Triangles are the most commonly rendered shape because they are the simplest primitives that can describe a surface in space.