What are the 6 Water reservoirs
The Ocean reservoir
The atmospheric reservoir
The Organic reservoir
The Land Reservoir
The Snow and Ice Reservoir
The Subsurface Reservoir
WATER CYCLE QUESTION: atmospheric to ocean
precipitation over oceans
WATER CYCLE QUESTION: ocean to atmospheric
cloud condensation
surface runoff
WATER CYCLE QUESTION: organic to atmospheric
Evapotranspiration from vegetation
WATER CYCLE QUESTION: Land to atmospheric
Evaporation of surface water
WATER CYCLE QUESTION: atmospheric to land
Precipitation over land
WATER CYCLE QUESTION: atmospheric to snow and ice
WATER CYCLE QUESTION: snow and ice to land
moving glaciers and melting ice
WATER CYCLE QUESTION: During atmospheric
wind transportation of moisture
WATER CYCLE QUESTION: Land to subsurface
WATER CYCLE QUESTION: during subsurface
percolation, soil water flow, groundwater flow, deep groundwater flow
WATER CYCLE QUESTION: subsurface to Land
Emergence of a spring
Roots in plants
WATER CYCLE QUESTION: atmospheric to organic
rain into soil into roots into plant
WATER CYCLE QUESTION: Land to snow and ice
A stream is
Any body of running water that flows into a channel
A channel is
An elongate depression or trough in the landscape
Runoff is
Water flowing on the surface of the earth
Water flows from upstream “______” to downstream”_______”
Headwaters to mouth
Ways streams can form
melted snow adds water
swamps and puddles collect water
rain or snow falls directly in
groundwater enters via springs
entering though the soil
sheetwash erosion
sheetwash can carve a channel via
erosion of the substrate
depends the main channel by eroding the substrate and steepens the banks of the stream
side channels that flow into the trunk stream are called
an array of interconnected streams is called a
drainage network
how many types of drainage networks are there
Name the 5 types of drainage networks
a drainage network collects water from….
a region: catchment ,drainage basin, or watershed
A drainage divide is what
the separation of two basins
the amazon watershed is one of the largest….
drainage basins and flows into the amazojn
a continental divide separates flows into
different oceans.
in gaining streams..
the volume of water increases as the streams flows away from the head
in losing streams….
the volume of water decreases with distance from the head
permanent streams are defined by
water flowing all year
ephemeral streams are defined by
flowing only seasonally usually during rainfall
discharge is____ and is measured in______
the amount of water flowing in a channel
volume per time
the is _____ friction in wider shallower streams
how do streams erode
the streamflow converts potential energy into kinetic energy and erodes by
and Dissolution
During saltation….
coasts bounce along the bed and knock other coasts into the flow
What are the three kinds of load in sediment transport
dissolved (ions)
suspended (clay)
The competence of a river is
The maximum particle size it can carry
The capacity of a river is
The total quantity of sediment it can carry
near the base level of a stream…
gradient flattens
discharge increases
sediment grain sizes are smaller
channel develops large meander belts
sea level is the ultimate…
base level
Valleys are defined by
The V shape and Slumping
Canyons are defined by
Down Cutting and Undercutting soft material
Stair step canyons are defined by
Valley plus canyon, looks like steps
Waterfalls are defined by
rock ledge defines local base level, discharges hardcore, hard material can’t erode it
Alluvial fans occur because
the competence and capacità decreases because the slope rapidly decreases
streams meander because of
erosion and deposition
when streams meander they form ……
point bars and a cut bank, then a meander neck, then an oxbow lake
A delta is
where the river meets the ocean, looks like a big triangle
the missipiti river has a ____ delta
what is an antecent stream
a stream that existed before an uplift and now still exists but cuts through the uplift as a canyon
what is a diverted stream
a stream that originally couldn’t cut through an uplift and now flows around the uplift or elsewhere
what is stream piracy
when a stream crosses a drainage divide
what is a persephone river
a river that cuts through a drainage divide and joins a hades river
Two types of floods
Flash flood
Flow Onset
Causes of flooding
Abrupt heavy rains
Long continuos rains
Abrupt warm weather
dam breaks
Slow onset floods are characterized by
snow melt
hours or days
happen annually
flash floods are
usually intense rain or dam collapse or levee failure, can onset a seasonal flood
how can you prevent some river flooding
levees, diverted channels, dykes, managed flooding
how do levees break
the water seeps through the ground and causes slumping and springs
what do we use for flooding rivers in nova scotia
under normal conditions dykes operate by
retaining the tide and river
in dyke realignment…..
we put the crops before the dykes , more space, harder to flood, buffer zone
streams can be polluted by
heavy metals
road salt
toxic wastes
Dams have both….
positive and negative consequences
why was the egypt damn so particularly harmful
the sediment carried by the nile naturally nourished the soil and make for extremely effective annual harvests, Now the soil nutritrtion is a vanishing resource
the fishing and agriculture industry are being harmed and the delta is no longer being replenished causing delta subsidence.
what is channelization
when you dig channels to pull water from another river so you can use it for human means
the mouth of a stream is called a _____ and can easily ____
oceans cover what percent of the surface
oceans contain how much of earths water
What is ocean bathymetry
like topography but underwater
the ocean is what percent water (weight)
the ocean is what percent salt (weight)
(1.93% chloride,1.7%sodium,0.27% sulphate……)
the salinity of the ocean is greatest in
The tropics and the surface
The salinity of the ocean is the least in
high latitude and deep depths
the salinity of the ocean is pretty average near the
The ocean temperature is greatest
near the equator and surface
The ocean temperature is least in
the depths and high latitude
What is Thermohaline circulation
the path water takes to circle the world, changes in density from salinity content and temperature cause shallow warm less salty currents and deep cold salty currents
A molecule of water takes around_____ to complete a thermohaline cycle
1500 years
tides are cause by the
moon and sun
how does the moon cause the tides
it pulls and creates a “tidal bulge” on the side closest to it and a “smaller tidal bulge” on the side opposite it. this adds potential energy to the water and creates waves
Extra high tides are
spring tides, the axis of the earth causes them to be stronger
extra low tides are called
neap tides
The moon is the only thing that causes tides
FALSE the sun does too
in neap tides
the tide is caused entirely by the sun
the intertidal zone is
the area between low and high tide
what is a glacier
a persistent body of ice snow and sediment that is consistently moving under its own weight
glacial striations form as
ice picks up rocks from the base of the glacier and plows up older sediment an flows over it
What causes a U shaped Valley
during glaciation a V shaped valley fills with ice and cause it to mold into a U shape
What is Isostacy
When the weight of an ice sheet causes subsidence and the athenosphere flows out of the way, then when the glaciers melt the athenosphere flows back in and causes glacial rebound
how fast is glacial rebound
in isostacy Beach terraces are uplifted relative to
sea level