Unit 10: Sistem Pemerintahan di Indonesia Flashcards
Walikota (Jurisdiction: City)
Kepala Camat (Jurisdiction: suburban postal grouping)
Bupati (Jusrisdiction: Kabupaten/Kingdom, Region)
Regional Head, Sultan
Pak Lurah/Ibu Lurah (Jurisdiction: Desa, Kelurahan)
Village Leader
Gubenur (Jurisdiction: Provinsi)
DPRD - (Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah)
Board of Representatives for the People of the Region
RW (Rukun Warga)
residents association
RT (Rukun tetangga)
neighborhood association
UUD (Undang-undang Dasar)
Pancasila (Foundational document)
Instruksi Presiden
Presidential Decree
undang-undang pemerintah
Government Legislation
MA (Mahkamah Agung)
Supreme Court
DPD (Dewan Perwakilan Daerah)
Provincial Parliament (Board of Representatives of the regency)
MK (Mahkamah Konstitusi)
Constitutional Court
BRIMOB (Brigade Mobil)
mobile brigade