Unit 10 #2 - Population ecology Flashcards
Name 3 types of population dispersal with an example for each
- Clumped spacing (Cariboo’s all together)
- uniform spacing (trees uniform in forest b/c light also uniform and all trees need it)
- Random spacing (dandelion’s on lawn b/c can grow anywhere or Lichen)
Why is lichen in a symbiotic relationship
Lichen is in a symbiotic (mutualistic) relationship with cyanobacteria b/c they both benefit from one another. Lichen provides shelter, water and minerals to cyanobacteria which in return provides sugar and nitrates.
What is metapopulation
The fact that a population does not occupy all the rage at the same time eg. caribou move
Type of metapopulation: source-sink metapopulation (source=where they breed, sink=where they die)
mechanism to spread out b/c some species cannot move eg, coconut near water fall and float away to island eg parasites have complex dispersal mechanisms
What is responsible for population demography
Input: birth and immigration
Output: deaths and emigration
Why can we say that fruit flies have shorter generations than humans
Usually, smaller organisms have smaller generations
*humans are an exception
Does a type 3 survivor ship have greater change to live another day at the beginning or end of its life
at end of its life
What is the link between survival and reproduction
More children = less likely to survive another year
WHat is carrying capacity
average population size in a habitat
What is biotic potential in Exponential growth
How fast a population can increase if there is no limits to growth (= (births-deaths)+(immigration-emigration))
Which type of growth is density independant
Exponential growth
Which type of growth is density dependant
Logistical growth
*it also has a carrying capacity
What is Semelparity in life history with an example
One reproductive event in lifetime. Many small off spring. ie Mayfly will be larva and adult in 1 day, they will lay many eggs and die (they make lots of babies but no investment/parental attention)
What is Iteroparity in life history with an example
Several reproductive events in a life time. Few large offsprings. ie us we will have some babies and give a lot of parental effort
what are the characteristics of an r selected population with an example
age 1st reproduction (eary life span (short) Maturation time (short) Mortality rate (high) Number offsprings per reproductive episode (often high) Number reproductions per lifetime (few) Parental care (none Size offspring (small)
ie us bc population growth is exponential and slowed down with pandemics, climate change…
An example of K selected population
What is eutrophication and its link with phosporus
algal bloom is caused by blue-green algae (cyanobacteria) which produces toxins. This is because at night it consumes O2 bc it cannot perform photosynthesis and therefore fish lack o2 and die. These algae can fix N2 and transform it into NH3/NO3-
Phosphorus causes algal bloom and it contaminates waters through fertilizers used by farmers.
How is the age structure (population pyramids ) different for western and poorer countries
Western situation: more older than younger and it is overall stabilized
Poor: more young than old (pear shape) because often people die young.
What are the 2 things that affect population growth
generation time and sex ratio (number of females affect population growth because they give birth)
These concepts are related to fecundity (birth/reproduction) and mortality (death/survival)
Name density-independant effects on populations
cold and drought
Name density-dependant effects
competition, toxic wastes, predation, intrinsic factors (stress hormones = lower fertility), territoriality, disease (more dense=more disease)
Visualize the graph of density effects that affects birth and death rates
cross of density-dependant birth rate (diminishes with density bc more pop=less ressource) and density-dependant death rate (increase bc disease and more ressource), with the cross point being the equilibrium population density
Explain the boom-bust cycles
As population of lynx increases, hare population diminishes, so lynx population diminishes because no more food them , so hare population increases because no predation, so lynx population increases because lots of food for them