Is a diet moderate or high in folate essential to the development of the fetus?
A. No
B. Yes
B. Yes
What is the recommended amount of folate that is needed for a pregnant women or women who are capable of being preganant?
Therefore, all adolescents and women who are capable of becoming pregnant should take 0.4 mg (400 mcg) of folic acid every day and consume dietary sources of folate (Box 9.1). A woman who has had a pregnancy that resulted in the birth of a child with NTD should take 4 mg of folic acid daily, beginning at least 1 month before attempting to conceive and continuing through the first trimester of pregnancy.
What foods are high in folate?
Foods Providing 500 mcg or More per Serving
* Liver:chicken,turkey,goose(100g[3.5oz])
Foods Providing 200 mcg or More per Serving
* Liver:lamb,beef,veal(100g[3.5oz])
Foods Providing 100 mcg or More per Serving
* Legumes, cooked (1⁄2 cup)
* Peas:black-eyed,chickpea(garbanzo) * Beans:black,kidney,pinto,red,navy * Lentils
* Vegetables (1⁄2 cup) * Asparagus
* Spinach,cooked
* Papaya(1medium)
* Breakfast cereal, ready-to-eat 1⁄2 to 1 cup)
* Wheat germ (1⁄4 cup)
Foods Providing 50 mcg or More per Serving
* Vegetables (1⁄2 cup) * Broccoli
* Beans:limabeans,bakedbeans,orporkandbeans * Greens:collardsormustard,cooked
* Spinach,raw
* Fruits (1⁄2 cup) * Avocado
* Orangeororangejuice
* Pasta,cooked(1cup)
* Rice,cooked(1cup)
Foods Providing 20 mcg or More per Serving
* Bread(1slice) * Egg(1large) * Corn (1⁄2 cup)
Are pregnant women more likely to have anemia ? Why?
A. Yes
B. No
A. Yes
40-50 % of total blood volume increase, which results in a decrease of hemoglobin and hematocrit which results in a decrease of iron levels in the blood
What are the benefits of folate?
- Folate, folic acid intake peri-
conceptual period - Neural tube defects
- Folate deficiency anemia
Folate. Folate is needed to reduce the risk of NTDs in the fetus; there- fore, folic acid supplementation is recommended prior to and throughout pregnancy, most importantly during the first trimester. Because of the increase in RBC production during pregnancy, as well as the nutritional requirements of the rapidly growing cells in the fetus and placenta, preg- nant women should consume 0.6 mg (600 mcg) of folic acid daily (ACOG, 2017a; NIHODS, 2021b). All women of childbearing potential need care- ful counseling about including good sources of folate in their diets.
What is Pica
Pica is the practice of consuming nonfood substances (e.g., clay, soil, and laundry starch) or excessive amounts of foodstuffs low in nutritional value (e.g., cornstarch, ice or freezer frost, baking powder, raw rice, flour) (see Fig. 9.2).
What would the recommended weight gain for your pregnant pt who’s BMI is 23.9?
25-35 pounds
your pregnant patients BMI is 17.9, What weight status would this patient?
needs to gain 28- 40lbs
18.5-25 BMI
Normal weight
needs to gain 25 to 35 pounds
25-30 BMI
needs to gain 15-25lbs
30+ BMI
needs to gain 11-20lbs
What is the recommended calorie increase per day for a pregnant woman who’s ?
A. 2500kcal
B. 500kcal
C. 250kcal
D. 100 kcal
B. 500kcal
Does an 15 pregnant woman need more nutrients needs than a 25 year old pregnant woman?
A. Yes
B. No
A. Yes
Is physical activity encourages pregnancy women
A. Yes
B. No
A. Yes
*Moderate exercise improves muscle
tone; shorten course of labor, &
increases sense of well-being
* Drink liberal amounts of fluid
before, during, & after exercise
* Calorie intake must meet increased
needs of pregnancy & exercise
* Strenuous exercise should be reduced,
or include breaks if it becomes
When should a provider screen a pregnant woman for pica and anemia?
Screening for pica should occur at the first prenatal visit, every tri- mester, and anytime anemia is present. The practice of pica, as well as details of the types and amounts of products ingested, is likely to be discovered only by the sensitive interviewer who has developed a rela- tionship of trust with the woman
What is the normal range for Hemoglobin for women (NOT PREGNANT?
What is the normal range for hematocrit for women (NOT PREGNANT)?
What are the indicated findings of hematocrit and hemoglobin for a pregnant women?
hematocrit 33-46%
Hemoglobin 10.5-11 g/dL
Is protein important for a pregnant women to eat, why?
Protein, with its essential constituent nitrogen, is the nutritional ele- ment basic to growth. Adequate protein intake is essential to meet in- creasing demands in pregnancy.
These demands arise from the following:
* The rapid growth of the fetus
* The enlargement of the uterus and its supporting structures, the
mammary glands, and the placenta
* The increase in the maternal circulating blood volume and the
subsequent demand for increased amounts of plasma protein to
maintain colloidal osmotic pressure
* The formation of amniotic fluid