What is Gestation
age in weeks of pregnancy
What is Trimester
segments (13 1/3 weeks)
What his Antepartum
time before birth
What is Intrapartum?
time during labor and birth
What is Post Partum
return to pre-pregnant
state (about 6 weeks)
Which of the following weeks of Gestation is in accordance with a full-term pregnancy?
A. 37 weeks
B. 19 weeks
C. 49 weeks
D. 12 weeks
A. 37 weeks
What is the range of a Full Term Pregnancy
37-42 weeks
What is the range of a Preterm pregnancy
20-36 weeks
What amount of weeks would the fetus NOT be viable to live outside of the mothers womb?
A. 15 weeks
B. 21 weeks
C. 37 weeks
D. 25 weeks
A. 15 weeks
Viability-20 or more weeks gestation
The total number of pregnancies is….
number of pregnancies
What is Paravididty
number of viable pregnancies (> 20
Parity: The number of pregnancies in which the fetus or fetuses have reached
20 weeks of gestation or more, not the number of fetuses (e.g., twins) born. Parity is not affected by whether the fetus is born alive or is stillborn (i.e., showing no signs of life at birth).
Nullipara: A woman who has not completed a pregnancy with a fetus or fetuses who have reached at least 20 weeks of gestation
Primipara: A woman who has completed one pregnancy with a fetus or fetuses who have reached 20 weeks of gestation or more
Multipara: A woman who has completed two or more pregnancies to 20 weeks of gestation or more
What is Gravida
pregnant (been pregnant)
What is Nullgravida
never pregnant
What is Primigravida
Primigravida-pregnant or one child
What is Multigravida
pregnant second or
more times
Drugs used during Pregnancy -process
- Terbutaline (Brethine)- pt goes into preterm labor and drug is used to slow down labor, stop them from having contraction
- Nifedipine (Procardia)- to treat hypertension
- Magnesium Sulfate- used for pts with preeclampsia, magnesium relaxes the body systems
- Betamethasone (Celestone)/Dexamethasone- steriod decreases inflammation(used to mature babies lungs due to preterm labor
- Oxytocin (Pitocin)- Causes contactions , induce uterine contractions
- Dinoprostone (Cervidil)- soften cervix
- Misoprostol (Cytotec)- used for uterine contraction, can cause an abortion when not used on pt in labor
- Methylergonovine maleate (Methergine)- helps with decreasing excessive bleeding after labor
- Carboprost tromethamine (Hemabate)- helps with decreasing excessive bleeding after labor
- Fentanyl- opiod analgesic - PAIN
- Morphine Sulfate- opiod analgesic - PAIN
- Butorphanol Tartrate (Stadol)
What is Naegeles rule?
it is the expected date of birth
How do you calculate the Expected Date of Birth?
+7 days +9 months from the first day of her last menstrual cycle
The pregnant patient reports that THE START or first day of her period was on February 3. What would be her expected due date due to Naegeles Rule?
A. November 10
B. April 10
C. December 21
D. October 3
A. November 10
Most women give birth from 7 days before to 7 days after EDB
What consists of the Gravida Calculation?
ABORTION- delivery before 20 weeks
Hormones of Pregnancy
Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG)
* Maintain corpus luteum
* In urine & serum 10-14 days after conception
- Human Placental Lactogen (hPL)
- Insulin antagonist by placenta increase blood glucose
- Estrogen
- Increase blood flow to uterus (vasodilation).
- Change sensitivity of respiratory system to carbon dioxide.
- Soften cervix, initiate uterine activity, maintain labor.
- Develop breasts for lactation, secretion of prolactin
What would be a subjective sign of pregnancy
*My breasts are bigger, sore, tingling…”
* “My bowels don’t work as well.”
* “I have urinary frequency”
* “I am soooo tired all of the time.”
* “I missed my period!” (amenorrhea)
* “I have to throw up EVERY
* “I think I am feeling the baby kick.”
What would be a probable sign of pregnancy.
- Goodell’s sign- softening of the cervical tip. This probable sign of pregnancy, the Goodell sign, is due to increased vascularity, slight hypertrophy, and hyperplasia (increase in the number of cells).
- Chadwick’s sign- Increased vascularity results in the violet-blue color of the vaginal mucosa and cervix, known as the Chadwick sign. This is evident at 6 to 8 weeks of pregnancy.
- Hegar’s sign- At approximately 6 weeks of gestation, softening and compressibility of the lower uterine segment (uterine isthmus) occurs (Hegar sign)
- Enlarging Uterus
- Positive pregnancy test
- Stria Gravidarum- stetch mark
- Braxton Hick’s contractions- Soon after the 4th month of pregnancy, intermittent uterine contractions may be felt through the abdominal wall. These are referred to as Braxton Hicks contractions and are thought to enhance blood flow through the intervillous spaces. Braxton Hicks contractions are irregular and painless, although some women complain that they are annoying- ing.
- Ballottement- Passive movement of the unengaged fetus is called ballottement and can be identified by the examiner generally between the 16th and 18th weeks. Ballottement is a technique of palpating a floating structure by bouncing it gently and feeling it rebound. To palpate the fetus, the examiner places a finger within the vagina and taps gently upward on the cervix, causing the fetus to rise. The fetus then sinks, and a gentle tap is felt on the finger
What Is Leukorrhea
Vaginal discharge increases during pregnancy. Leukorrhea is a white or slightly gray mucoid vaginal discharge with a faint musty odor. This copious mucoid fluid occurs in response to cervical stimula- tion by estrogen and progesterone.
What drug can cause a false positive pregnancy test?
Blood hCG 2 days after implantation- MOST PRECISE IN PREGNANCY TESTING
Fertility drugs-Methadone: false
What drug can cause a false negative pregnancy test?
Urine 42 days after first day of last
menstrual period
Promethazine: false negative
- A 30 year old female is 25 weeks pregnant with twins. She has 5 living children. Four of the 5 children were born at 39 weeks gestation and one child was born at 27 weeks gestation. Two years ago she had a miscarriage at 10 weeks gestation. What is her GTPAL?*
A. G=7, T=4, P=0, A=1, L=5
B. G=7, T=4, P=1, A=1, L=5
C. G=6, T=4, P=0, A=1, L=5
D. G=6, T=2, P=2, A=1, L=5
B. G=7, T=4, P=1, A=1, L=5
- A 27 year old female is currently 16 weeks pregnant. She has 2 year-old twins that were born at 39 weeks gestation and a 5 year-old who was born at 40 weeks gestation. She had no history of miscarriage or abortion. What is her GTPAL?*
A. G=3, T=1, P=0, A=1, L=3
B. G=3, T=1, P=1, A=0, L=3
C. G=3, T=2, P=0, A=1, L=1
D. G=3, T=2, P=0, A=0, L=3
D. G=3, T=2, P=0, A=0, L=3
- A 20 year old female is currently 8 weeks pregnant. She had a miscarriage at 12 weeks gestation two years ago. She has no living children. What is her GTPAL?*
A. G=2, T=0, P=0, A=1, L=0
B. G=3, T=1, P=1, A=0, L=3
C. G=2, T=2, P=0, A=1, L=2
D. G=1, T=1, P=1, A=0, L=1
A. G=2, T=0, P=0, A=1, L=0
- A 26 year old female is currently 26 weeks pregnant. She had a miscarriage at 10 weeks gestation five years ago. She has a three year old who was born at 39 weeks. What is her GTPAL?*
A. G=3, T=1, P=0, A=1, L=1
B. G=3, T=1, P=1, A=0, L=3
C. G=3, T=2, P=0, A=2, L=2
D. G=2, T=1, P=0, A=1, L=1
A. G=3, T=1, P=0, A=1, L=1
- A 35 year old female is currently pregnant with twins. She has 10 year old triplets who were born at 32 weeks gestation, and a 16 year old who was born at 41 week gestation. Twelve years ago she had a miscarriage at 19 weeks gestation. What is her GTPAL?*
A. G=4, T=1, P=2, A=1, L=4
B. G=3, T=1, P=1, A=0, L=4
C. G=4, T=1, P=1, A=1, L=4
D. G=4, T=1, P=1, A=1, L=1
C. G=4, T=1, P=1, A=1, L=4
A patient presents to the clinic for her first prenatal appointment. She states that she has 2 living children, both born at 39 weeks, and she has had one miscarriage. Which of the following would be her correct GTPAL?
A, 3-2-0-1-2
B. 4-2-0-0-2
C. 4-2-0-1-2
D. 3-2-0-1-2
C. 4-2-0-1-2
Function of Progesterone?
* Prepare uterus for implantation.
* Prevent immunologic response to fetus.
* Relaxes smooth muscle
* GI decrease motility & improve
absorption of nutrients.
* Enlarges ureters & bladder to increase
* Develop alveoli (milk secretion) & ductal
system for lactation
Function of Relaxin
Relaxin: Relaxes pelvic muscles & joints
Breast Function
* Progesterone (glands)/Estrogen
(ducts)/Prolactin (milk secretion)
* Lactogenesis-breast development
to secrete milk in pregnancy
- Physiologic changes with
menstruation; self-examination
best 5-7 days after end of period(do mot palpate or self exam during period due to hormonal changes) - Organs for sexual arousal
What would be a possible breast change during pregnancy?
Increase size, fullness, heaviness, tingling
Darkening of areola
Hypertrophy: alveolus hyperplasia epithelial
cell lining
Breast can secrete milk 18 weeks gestation
What sign is the softening of the cervix?
What signs is the softening of the lower segment of the uterus?
What sign is the change of the cervix (bluish color)
Chadwick sign
What sign causes intermittent contractions that start after the 4th month of pregnancy?
Braxton hicks
What could be a positive sign of pregnancy?
- Fetal heart rate detected by electronic device
(Doppler transducer) at 10 to 12 weeks and by nonelectronic device (fetoscope) at 20 weeks of gestation - Active fetal movements palpable by examiner
- Outline of fetus via radiography or ultrasonogra-
What sign is the tapping of the cervix to so the fetus can rise?
Is this a positive sign of pregnancy?
“my stomach has gotten bigger in the last month and I missed my period”
this is a presumptive sign, “she said”
What changes to the uterus during pregnancy?
- Almost solid organ to thin-
walled, hollow organ; can hold
15-20 liters. or 15000ml to 20000 ml - Position moves up in pelvis
- Braxton Hicks contractions- intermittent contarations HARMLESS
- Mucous plug-Cervix moves behind uterus.
- Impending labor: cervix moves forward, softens,
What is the function of the Placenta?
Nutrition oxygenation for the baby , the baby’s life line
- Transport oxygen & nutrients
- Removes metabolic wastes
- Barrier separating maternal & fetal structures
- Secretes Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG),
progesterone, estrogen, human placental lactogen (hPL)
The placenta provides for exchange of nutrients
and waste products between the fetus and birth-
ing parent.
2. The placenta begins to form at implantation; the
structure is complete by week 12.
3. It produces hormones to maintain pregnancy
and assumes full responsibility for the produc- tion of these hormones by the 12th week of ges- tation.
4. In the third trimester, transfer of maternal im- munoglobulin provides the fetus with passive immunity to certain diseases for the rst few months after birth.
5. By week 10 to 12, genetic testing can be done via chorionic villus sampling (CVS).
What is quickening?
Quickening is the first recognition of fetal movements, or “feeling life.” It can be detected by the multiparous woman as early as 14 to 16 weeks of gestation.
What occurs during Placenta Previa
low lying placenta;
covers os
What occurs during Placenta Accreta
Placenta accreta: chorionic villi extend
into myometrium; separate @ delivery
What occurs during Abruptio Placenta
Abruptio placenta: premature
separation placenta prior to delivery, form
retroplacental blood clot; oxygen &
nutrients to fetus compromised
baby is missing its nutrients when its nutrients and oxygen
How do you measure fundus height
by the gestation age of the baby, there is a range -2/+2 from gestation age is a proper fungus height