Unit 1 Module 5 Part A Flashcards
Categories in which religion plays a role in society
Religious: supporting people in their religious way of life e.g. schools, hospital welfare services
Social: providing a service or support to people or groups within society
Cultural: Using art, music, literature to give expression to how people find meaning and purpose in their life
Political: promoting, explaining, and supporting the beliefs and values of a religion within society e.g. In Australia, religious leaders and members of a particular religion will sometimes actively participate in political debates. Their participation may be because they wish to promote or defend important religious beliefs or practices, the rights of people that belong to the religion, or the rights of others in society.
Supporting religious faith
One of the purposes of the Catholic religion is to promote, support and develop within each person their ability to listen to, be in touch with and respond to their questions of the human heart. As people seek, sense, and think about God they are provided with opportunities to develop their experience of God. Such opportunities can occur for people when they:
• Pray
• Think about God
• Ponder about creation
• Wonder what life is after death
Essay (Introduction)
In society today. digital world is an inherent issue that threatens genuine human interaction, so Catholicism responds to the digital world influencing the holiness of God to evangelise all in society.
Digital world defined by IGI Global is “the articulation of the use of technology in modern-day-society”.
The digital world allows society to use it for good.
However its nature influenced by actions and ideas of society.
As people lose faith they become weak to original sin and use the digital world as a tool of manipulation, promotion and scams.
Affects society on local to global level, affecting each differently.
However, Catholicism responds by upholding social justice teachings on how to interact and use the digital world.
We are then see the holiness of God through time of darkness and evangelise all to the Church making digital world a moral place of interaction.
Digital world although controlled by society allows religion to prove its relevance in modern society responding to the digital world on all levels to evangelise and welcome all to the Church.
Essay (BP1)
The way the digital world impacts genuine human relationships is determined by how humanity uses it
Explain how it’s used and how it’s good but then explain how it’s nature is determined by how humanity uses it for bad
Local: Cyberbullying
Quote: The relentlessness of cyberbullying is sometimes so extreme that it drives victims to suicide (Social Justice Statement 2019-2020)
National: Spreading fake rumours or stories that influence fear and anger
Global: Don’t see the need for genuine human encounters affecting how we use the digital world
Essay (BP2)
Although the Digital World continues to corrupt many, Catholicism responds to it to uphold Catholic Social teachings against the Digital World on all levels of society
Catholic Social Teachings: a guide to how society can live responsibly and build a just society as God intended the Catholic Church to
Local Level: Parishes and Social Justice Groups such as Youth Groups, teach Social Justice Teachings through doctrines like scriptures and parables
National Level: Social Justice Statements, outline how to react and respond to the digital world.
Quote: love your neighbour as yourself (Social Justice Statement 2019-2020)
Global Level: Media Papacy Statements, ask people to live like the Good Samaritan through his position and power as the Pope
Quote: ‘a place of hatred,… exploitation and bullying’ and ‘a form of violent aggression like that suffered man in the parable’
All three teach us how to interact and act in a moral way in the Digital World
Essay (BP3)
Religion responds through holiness of God to influence those in society to evangelise all to bring the Church into modern society and respond against the Digital World through Social Justice Statements.
Influence to evangelise through teachings drags people away from original sin to create more genuine human interaction.
Teachings such as the second great commandment help us influence God’s teachings in the digital world.
“Tweet(ing) others as you wish to be tweeted” Social Media Influencer
“Sharing experiences of cyberbullying to family, friends and school (Social Justice Statement)
These quotes are teachings that influence and evangelise others to God’s Church creating its relevance in modern time
Rewords Thesis from Intro
Signpost all BP’s again in a different way
Round out by explaining how Catholicism although against the inherent issue of the digital world is able to uphold and preserve social justice teachings to change society’s views of the digital world showing the ecumenical movement of the Church.