Unit 1 Module 4 Flashcards
3 major division/denominations in Christianity:
- Roman Catholic
- Eastern Orthodox
- Protestant (Stopped celebrating some or all of the sacraments)
Similar Characteristics between Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox:
• Both the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox still have only 7 sacraments
• Both believe that Jesus is fully human + divine
• Both believe in the Assumption of Mary
• Both believe that Jesus was born from the Virgin Mary, died, resurrected, and returned to Earth
Unique Characteristics between Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox: Roman Catholic
Roman Catholic:
• The Roman Catholic believes in Papal Primacy that the Bishop of Rome is the Universal Pastor and Supreme Head of the Catholic Church.
• Unleavened Bread
• In communion, the Roman Catholic Church believes that the bread and wine are transformed literally, but invisibly, into the body and blood of Jesus Christ.
Unique Characteristics between Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox: Eastern Orthodox
Eastern Orthodox:
• Don’t believe in Papal Primacy, instead they believe that each Bishop has equal authority. Each bishop is responsible for their own patriarchs
• Uses Leavened Bread
• In communion, the Eastern Orthodox Church believes that Jesus Christ is mystically present in communion.
Event that caused the formation of denominations and division within Christianity:
East West Schism or The Great Schism
Describe two relevant characteristics of this historical event:
• It was a combination of disagreements based on cultural differences over a long period of time. It began when Constantine established a secret capital of the Roman Empire in the East (Constantinople).
• The actual break began to occur from the 9th century as the Latin and Greek churches, already distant in language and geography, drifted further apart because of political, cultural, economic and social factors. There were also some theological differences.
• Mutual excommunication when Cardinal Humbert was sent to address issues with Michael Cerularius instead mutual excommunication occurred as both excommunicated each other due to the Cardinal excommunicating the Patriarch, so in retaliation the Patriarch excommunicated the Cardinal.
How the Great Schism caused divisions and denominations within Christianity:
• The Great Schism was caused by political, cultural, economic, and social factor. There were also some theological differences that contributed to this separation of the eastern and western churches.
• The Major breakdown of the Christian Church began after the East Patriarch of Constantinople, Michael Cerularius accused the West for using unleavened bread to celebrate the Eucharist. Cardinal Humbert and two legates were sent East by Pope Leo IX to attempt to put an end to the disagreement. As the discussion developed, it was evident that the views of the West & East were starkly different. The West was dissatisfied with the East’s views and responded by excommunicating Michael Cerularius and any of his followers from the Christian Church which ended up in Cardinal Humbert being excommunicated by Cerularius.
• Papal Supremacy: The East & West’s differing views of Papal supremacy was a key
West= supreme rulership of Christendom belonged to the Pope based in Rome
East= Church authority should be shared between Patriarchs
• The ‘Filoque Clause’ was added to the Latin version of the Nicene Creed in 589AD during the Council of Toledo “and (from) the son”:
West= true deity & personality of the Holy Spirit as coequal, coeternal and consubstantial- Trinitarian relationship
East= Holy Spirit proceeds only from the Father
• The disagreement sent the East & West on different theological pathways
Major Difference between Protestant, Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox and why this difference exists:
The Eucharist: The Eucharist expresses two Catholic beliefs. These are:
• Belief in the real presence of the Body and Blood of Jesus
• Belief in the faith life of the Church as Christ willed it
Protestant: The protestant would sometimes believe the first, but don’t fully believe the second. This is because the protestant stopped celebrating some of the sacraments which can include the Eucharist in some cases.
Orthodox: The orthodox church doesn’t believe that Jesus is in the presence of the Body and Blood of Jesus but more that he is present in the Eucharist, yet they still believe in the faith life of the Church.
Roman Catholic: The Roman Catholic Church believes in the Body and Blood of Jesus as the bread and wine are transformed literally and invisibly into it and would also believe in the faith life of the Church.
This difference exists as the disputes about Christian beliefs, observance of traditions and practices changed how all denominations of Christianity viewed their way of the Eucharist each viewing it in their way that they think is right that has created a difference in how the Protestant, Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox celebrate the Eucharist.
How Religions responded to divisions and denomination throughout history:
Ecumenical Movement: Christianity and more specifically Christian churches today are working together to find ways to become one again. They firmly believe that Jesus intended that they should remain united. They also realise that divisions in the Church are not helpful when trying to convince others of the Christian message. The movement towards Christian unity is called ecumenism or the ecumenical movement. Many Non-Catholic churches formed together the World Council of Churches (1948). Within the Catholic Church, the major thrust for ecumenism came from the Second Vatican Council (1962-65).
Second Vatican Council: From 1962-1965 the Second Vatican council with over two thousand bishops gathered in St Peter’s Basilica to spiritually renew the church and modernise its nature and role in the modern world. The Council: Spelt out the nature of the Church as Jesus intended, Spelt out Catholic belief in how to respond to God and all that God revealed.
Catholicism working towards Ecumenism:
Eastern Orthodox: In its Decree on Ecumenism the Second Vatican Council recognised that the Orthodox Churches maintain most of the ways of responding to the Holy Spirit. They:
• live according to the Creeds
• worship through the sacraments
• maintain the Apostolic succession of their bishops.
Churches of the West: There is not the same degree of reunification between the Reformation (Protestant) Churches and the Catholic Churches as there is with the Orthodox Churches This is because the differences between them are more significant. Nevertheless, The Council pointed to common values:
• the desire to follow Christ
• the Bible
• baptism, in most cases
• commitment to prayer.