Unit 1 - Management Flashcards
A person who gives professional or expert advice
A person who founds or establishes something (with another)
The value of a business, property, etc. in terms of what it can be sold for on the open market
market value
Something that one’s efforts or actions are intended to attain or accomplish (purpose, goal, target)
Advancement in rank or position / encouragement of a sale of a product by advertising
how successful an investment, company, etc. is and how much profit it makes
The area of the nation’s affairs under governmental rather than private control
public sector
The collective wealth of a country or its means of producing wealth / money, property that can be converted into money (asset)
The return of yield from any kind of property, patent, service, etc. (income) / amount of money regularly coming in
The owner of one or more shares in a company
Special ability in a task, sport, etc.
A group of people employed be a company
Placed in or belonging to a lower order or rank
A goal to be reached
To manage to do (achieve) / to conclude successfully (complete)
to accomplish
To set apart for a particular purpose (assign, allot)
to allocate
to carry out / accomplish
to execute
To lay out (money or capital in an enterprise, esp. By purchasing shares) with the expectation of profit
to invest, investor
To determine the size, amount, etc. by measurement
to measure
To give up an office or position
to resign
Observe and direct the work of (someone)
to supervise, supervisor