Unit 1 key terms Flashcards
Indigenous people became experts at growing plants that would become the primary food crops of the hemisphere, chiefly_________
During the twelfth century, The_____ whom europeans later called aztecs, began drifting southward from northwest mexico. Eventually took control of central mexico.
Tenochtitlan would become one of the grandest cities in the world and served as the capital of a sophisticated _________ ruled by a powerful emperor and divided into two social classes: noble warriors and priests, and the free commoners.
Aztec Empire
The Adena-hopewell cultures left behind enormous earthworks and _______ shaped like snakes, birds, and other animals, several of which were nearly a quarter mile long
Burial Mounds
Largest of the advanced regional centers called chiefdoms. Located in southwest Illinois, near the confluence of the Mississippi and Missouri Rivers. They constructed an enormous farming settlement with monumental public buildings, spacious ceremonial plazas, and more than eighty flat-topped earthen mounds with thatch-roofed temples on top.
After the collapse of the Cahokia, the_______ spread along the Atlantic seaboard from current-day Maine to Florida and along the Gulf Coast to louisiana. They included three regional groups distinguished by their different languages. These were the indigenous societies that Europeans would first encounter when they arrived in north America.
Eastern Woodlands People
Often brutal efforts of the Spanish to convert native people in the Western Hemisphere to ______ illustrated the murderous intensity with which european Christains embraced religious life in the sixteenth century.
Roman Catholicism
In the sixteenth century, Spain transferred to America a medieval socioeconomic system known as________, whereby favored soldiers or officials received huge parcels of land and control over the people who lived there.
The first European contacts with the Western Hemisphere began the _____ a worldwide transfer of plants, animals, and diseases. Which ultimately worked in the favor of the European at the expense of the indigenous people.
Columbian Exchange
The most significant immediate aspect of the Columbian Exchange was by far the transmission of_____
Infectious diseases
The first center of Catholic missionary activity in the American Southwest. Previously new Spain
New Mexico
132 Warships, 8,000 sailor, 18,000 soldiers. Assembled by Philip II in 1588
Spanish Armada
Cortes soldiers, also called conquerors.
Those who critised the Anglican church were called dissenters, The – _ were dissenters who believed that the church of England needed further purifying
investors banded together to buy shares in what were called_____. Large amounts of money could be raised and if a colony failed, no single investor would suffer the entire loss. Because planting colonies in America was expensive.
Joint-stock companies
The 14,000 Indians living along the Virginia Coast were dominated by the ________ which had conquered or intimidated the other Indian peoples of the region. The imperial chieftain lorded over several hundred villages organized into 30 chieftains in eastern Virginia.
Powhatan confederacy
The struggling Jamestown colony limped along until at last the settlers found a profitable crop______. The plant had been grown on Caribbean islands for years.
To support their investment in Tobacco lands, planters employed______ colonists who signed a contract exchanging several years of labor for the high cost of passage to America and the eventual grant of land.
Indentured servants
Sir Edwin Sandys head of Virginia company. His crucial innovation was to shift from joint ownership of land to private. Program to attract more colonists. Any Englishman who bought a share in the company and could pay for passage to Virginia could have 50 acres upon arrival.
Head Right(land grant)
Tensions among the landless colonists contributed to the tangled events that came to be called ——-an armed rebellion held by Virginia settlers that took place from 1676 to 1677. It was led by Nathaniel Bacon against Colonial Governor William Berkeley, after Berkeley refused Bacon’s request to drive Native American Indians out of Virginia.
Bacons rebellion
a covenant (group contract) to form a civil body politic based on just and civil laws designed for our better ordering and protection. But it was not democracy in action. The saints granted themselves the rights to vote and hold office. their inferiors- the strangers and servants- would have to wait for their civil rights
Mayflower Compact
Strong willed puritan wife of a prominent merchant, served as a midwife helping deliver neighbors babies and hosted meetings in her home to discuss sermons. She criticized the mandatory church attendance and the absolute power of ministers and magistrates. Claimed to know which of her neighbors had truly been saved and which were damned.
Anne Hutchinson
the cruelest and costliest war in American history. War with the Wampanoags. Enraged Wampanoag warriors burned puritan farms on June 20 1675
King Philip’s war
The Iroquois nations were convinced to forge an alliance called the____ or great peace. They became so powerful that the Dutch and the English traders were forced to work with them
Iroquois league
Transatlantic voyage for slaves, called _______ because it served as the middle leg of the so called triangular trade in which the British ships traveled on the first leg to west Africa.
Middle passage
The average _____ in the early years of settlement was 50 percent.
Death Rate
New England merchants shipped rum to the west coast of Africa where it was exchanged for slaves. Ships then took the enslaved Africans to Caribbean
Triangular trade
White colonists viewed_____ as a normal aspect of everyday life and few considered it a moral issue. They believed that god determined ones station in life.
Race-based slavery
Slave organized rebellion of September 9th 1739 in south Carolina where they traveled over 15 miles , burned 6 plantations and killed about two dozen whites. _____ frightened white planters that they convinced the colonial assembly to ban the importation of African slaves for ten years and pass the so called negro act of 1740 which called for more oversight of slave activities and harsher punishments for rebellious behavior.
Stono Rebellion
Burst of intellectual activity. Celebrated rational inquiry, scientific research, and individual freedom. These people sought the truth rather than remain content believing ideas and dogmas assed down through the ages or taken from the bible
Some enlightened people carried newtons scientific outlook to its logical conclusion claiming god created the world and designed its natural laws which governed the universe. Includes ben franklin and Thomas Jefferson. evil according to these people, resulted not from humanities inherent sinfulness as outlined in the bible, but from human ignorance of the rational laws of nature.
In the early 1730s worries about the erosion or religious fervor spark a series of emotional revivals known as the______. Fueled popular new denominations. New colleges Princeton, brown, and Dartmouth founded to train evangelical ministers.
Great awakening
By the 1660s, colonial legislators formalized the instruction of race based slavery, with detailed______ regulating most aspects of slaves lives.
Slave codes
A political and economic policy adopted by most European monarchs during the 17th century in which government controlled all economic activities. Key industries were taxed and regulated and people with specialized skills were not allowed to leave the country. Provided the mother country with crucial raw materials
Intended to increase control over its colonial economies. The law was intended to hurt the dutch
Navigation Acts
John Locke said that people are endowed with ____ to life liberty and property.
Natural Rights
The Albany congress approved of_____ it called for eleven colonies to band together. The union would have jurisdiction over Indian affairs.
Albany plan of union
Widespread Indian attacks. Called_____ because of the prominent role played by the Ottawa chieftain in trying to unify several tribes in the effort to stop British expansion
Pontiacs rebellion
Drew an imaginary line and Americans were forbidden to go west of the Appalachian mountains.
Royal proclamation of 1763
required colonists to purchase paper with an official government stamp for virtually every possible use. Not a single colonist supported it.
Stamp Act
Those rebelling against British authority.