Unit 1: Defense Mechanism Flashcards
Defense Mechanisms
Behaviors that protect people from anxiety.
Defense Mechanism:
Acting out
Emotional conflict is dealt with through actions rather than feelings. (Instead ir talking about feeling neglected, a person will act out to get attention)
Defense Mechanism:
Repressed urge is disguised as a disturbance of body function, usually of the sensory, voluntary nervous system (pain, deafness, blindness, paralysis, convulsion, tics).
Defense Mechanism:
Deterioration of existing defenses.
Defense Mechanism:
Person attributed exaggerated negative qualities to self or another. Split of primitive idealization.
Defense Mechanism:
A process that enables a person to split mental functions in a manner that allows him or her to express forbidden or unconscious impulses w/out taking responsibility for the action (unable to remember)
Defense Mechanism:
Directing an impulse toward a person that is not its real object, permitting expression in a less threatening situation. (Man angry at his
Defense Mechanism:
Person patterns themself after a significant other.
Defense Mechanism:
Primitive mechanism in which psychic representation of a person is figuratively ingested.
Defense Mechanism:
Loved or hated external objects are symbolically absorbed within self.
Defense Mechanism:
Person avoids uncomfortable emotions by focusing of facts and logic.
Defense Mechanism:
Primitive defense; attribute one’s disowned attitudes, etc to some external object or person.
Defense Mechanism:
Projective Identification
Unconsciously perceiving others’ behavior as a reflection of one’s own identity.
Defense Mechanism:
Reaction Formation
Person adopts affects, ideas, attitudes, or behaviors that are opposites of those they harbor consciously/unconsciously.
Defense Mechanism:
Person perceives self and others as “all good” or “all bad.” Protect the good objects. Person cannot intégrate good and bad in people.
Defense Mechanism:
Potentially maladaptive feelings or behaviors are diverted into socially acceptable, adaptive channels (person who has angry feelings channels them into athletics).
Defense Mechanism:
Unattainable or unacceptable goal, emotion, or object is replaced by one more attainable or acceptable.
Defense Mechanism:
Turning against self
Deflect hostile aggression or other unacceptable impulses from another to self.
Defense Mechanism:
Using words or actions to symbolically reverse or negate unacceptable thoughts (washing hands to deal with obsessive thoughts).