Unit 1: Behavioral Development 4 Flashcards
Behavioral Development
Personality is a result of interaction between the individual and the environment. Do NOT take into account internal thoughts and feelings.
Behavioral theories
Represent systematic application of principles of learning to the analysis & treatment of behaviors. Behaviors determine feelings. GOAL: MODIFY BEHAVIOR.
2 Classes of Behavior.
Respondent and Operant
Involuntary behavior (anxiety). A stimulus elicits a response.
Voluntary behavior (walking, talking); controlled by its consequences in the environment.
Best known applications of behavior modification:
Sexual dysfunctions, phobic disorders, compulsive behavior (overeating,smoking), and training persons with intellectual disabilities &/or Autism Spectrum Disorder.
Behavioral paradigm (model): A. Respondent/Classical Conditioning (Pavlov)
- Unconditioned stimuli (meat) ➡️ Unconditioned response (saliva)
- Unconditioned stimuli (meat) + conditioned stimuli (bell) ➡️ Unconditioned response (saliva)
- Conditioned stimuli (bell) ➡️ Conditioned Response (Saliva)
Behavioral paradigm (model): B.Operant Conditioning (B.F. Skinner)
Prior events lead behaviors that are followed by consequences.
Operant techniques:
Negative Reinforcement
Behavior increases because a negative stimuli is removed.
Remove shocking
Operant techniques:
Positive punishment
Presentation of undesirable stimuli following a behavior to decrease that behavior. (Hitting, shocking)
Present shocking following a behavior to decrease/eliminate that behavior.
Operant techniques:
Negative punishment
Remove desirable stimuli following a behavior to decrease/eliminate that behavior. (Remove something positive)
Specific Behavioral terms:
Aversion therapy
Treatment aimed at reducing attractiveness of a behavior by repeat pairing with an aversive stimuli. (Treating alcoholism with Antabuse)
Specific Behavioral terms:
Teaches a person how to control certain functions such as heart rate, BP, tempt., muscle tension. Used for ADHD & anxiety disorders.
Specific Behavioral terms:
Withholding a reinforcer that normally follows a behavior. Behavior fails to produce reinforcement will eventually cease.
Specific Behavioral terms:
Treatment procedure in which a client’s anxiety is extinguished by prolonged real or imagined exposure to high intensity feared stimuli.
Specific Behavioral terms:
Train new behavior by promoting and reinforcing successive approximations of the desired behavior.
Specific Behavioral terms:
Time out
Removal of something desirable-negative punishment technique.