Unit 1 - C.N. II - Optic Nerve Flashcards
Outermost layer of the eye
Fibrous tunic
The fibrous tunic consists of what two things?
Sclera and cornea
What is the only part that goes completely around the eye?
What is the middle layer of the eye?
Vascular tunic
What are the three parts of the vascular tunic?
Ciliary body, Iris, choroid
Why is the vascular tunic not complete?
Because of the Iris - has a pupil
What is the innermost layer of the eye?
The retina
What layer is adjacent to the choroid?
Pigmented layer (cementing layer)
What is the next layer inward after the pigmented layer?
Photosensitive outer segments of rods and cones
What layer covers the rods and cones?
External limiting membrane
What layer contains the cell bodies of rods and cones?
Outer nuclear layer
Rods and cones synapse with bipolar cells here.
Outer Plexiform layer
Layer that contains the cell bodies of bipolar cells?
Inner nuclear layer
Layer where bipolar cells synapse with ganglion cells?
Inner plexiform layer
Layer of ganglion cell bodies?
Ganglion cell layer
Are retinal ganglion cell axons myelinated?
Layer containing the ganglion cell bodies?
Ganglion cell layer
Layer containing the retinal ganglion cell axons?
Nerve fiber layer
A glial boundary separating the retina from the vitreous body?
Internal limiting membrane
Name the layers from 1 -10 (choroid to vitreous body)
Pigmented layer Photosensitive outer segments of rods and cones External limiting membrane Outer nuclear layer Outer plexiform layer Inner nuclear layer Inner plexiform layer Ganglion cell layer Nerve Fiber layer Internal limiting membrane
What is the distal end of the photoreceptor called?
The outer segment
The outer segment of the photoreceptor is closes to what?
The choroid
The outer segment of the photoreceptor has two shapes. What are they?
Cylindrical (rod shaped) and tapered (cone shaped)