Unit 1 & 2 Terms Flashcards
The earliest recorded forms of human story telling
Biological evolution
the change of inherited traits throughout biological evolution
Biological Niche
The role an organism plays in a community
the condition of having two feet
a human society containing different cities or at the time different groups
Collective Learning
a process that results in the production of knowledge.
a factor involved in a complicated process or situation.
beliefs of a population that are passed down from generation to generation
Cultural evolution
cultural change over time
Division of Labor
different jobs for people
taming animals (for food or other labors)
a modification of an organism that helps fit its habitat/surroundings
Energy/Human Brain
as our brains got bigger our bodies got bigger aswell
Bringing more land
growing crops and raising livestock
Fertile Crescent
land between Iran and Turkey
people who support themselves by hunting
Goldilocks conditions
describes a situation that has to be exactly right
Homo erectus
extinct species that had smaller bodies and brains than we humans have
Homo sapiens
scientific name for humans
Big brains, and adapt to an environment, and can walk on two legs
Kelp Highway
a food resource along the coast (seaweed)
large animals that are extinct
Natural selection
individuals that have traits that tend to survive and reproduce at higher rates than other individuals
The first extinct human relatives to have become known to science
Social hierarchy
the division of society by rank or class
Symbolic learning
the ability to use and understand symbols
Systematic Agriculture
taming/farming animals and growing food on a daily basis
Threshold 1
Big Bang
Threshold 2
Threshold 3
new chemical elements
Threshold 4
earth and solar systems
Threshold 5
humans and life on earth
Threshold 6
collective learning