Unicellular and MultiCellular Flashcards
What does Unicellular Mean
Organisms that are made up of one cell
What does MultiCellular mean
Organisms made up of many cells
Are plants multi or uni
Are animals multi or uni
Is fungi multi or uni
are protists multi or uni
Multi can sometimes be uni
are prokrayates multi or uni
What is the biggest living organism
What is the smallest living organism
cold virus
Do animal cells have a nucleus
Do plant cells have a nucleus
What is an example or a protists
Amoeba and Paramecium
What is an example of a prokaryotes
Bacteria and blue-green algae
Do prokaryotes have a nucleus
Do prokaryotes have a cell membrane
Do prokaryotes have mitochondira
Do prokaryotes have a cell wall
How many cells do we have in our body
37 million million
Examples of multicellular
cat, daffodil, mouse and dirt
Examples of unicellular
polen grain, yeast, dust, bacteria.
What cell doesnt have a nucleus
which cell has multicellular with chloroplast
what cell is unicellular and csn sometimes have chloroplasts
What cells never have cell walls
What cell has cell walls but no chloroplasts
What does Glucose + oxygen equal
water + carbpon dioxide + energy
What is the anaroebic respiration equation in general
glucose=carbon dioxide + lactic acid + energy
What is areobic respiriation
Aerobic respiration occurs with oxygen and releases more energy but more slowly.
What is anaroebic respration
Anaerobic respiration occurs without oxygen and releases less energy but more quickly.
What is Respiration
Respiration is a chemical reaction which occurs in every one of the cells in the human body. It releases energy stored in glucose and without it, these cells would die.
What is the equation for arobeic respiration
glucose + oxygen → carbon dioxide + water
What is the equation for anarobic respiration in human and animal muscles
glucose → lactic acid
In which cell component does respiration occur?
Mitochondria within the cytoplasm. Genetic information is held within the nucleus. The cell membrane controls what enters and exits the cell.
What are the reactants in aerobic respiration?
The reactants in aerobic respiration are glucose and oxygen.
What is produced in anaerobic respiration in humans?
Lactic acid is produced in anaerobic respiration in humans. Carbon dioxide and water are produced in aerobic respiration. Glucose is the reactant. Alcohol is produced in fermentation by yeast and bacteria.
What is true of anaerobic respiration compared with aerobic?
Anaerobic respiration releases less energy faster.
What is missing for anaerobic respiration to occur?
Anaerobic respiration occurs without oxygen.
Which type of respiration releases more energy, more slowly?
Aerobic respiration releases more energy but more slowly than anarobic
True or false? Respiration is the same as breathing.
What can the build-up of lactic acid lead to in muscles?
True or false? Aerobic means in the presence of air.
How do you know when a bread is made by using yeast
Because its risen due to carbon dioxide gases
Whats another food or drink made using yeast
What conitions is best for yeast reproduction
sugar with water at warm temp
By what method does fermentation occur in yeast
What conditions do fungi need to grow and reproduce
sugar, warmth and moisture
what equation summarises respiration in bacetria
glucose- lactic acid
what is anaroebic
doesnt need oxygen
why do bacteria reproduce faster in warmer condiitons
enzymes work faster when its warm
What effect do yogurt-making bacteria have on milk
they make it sour
What does a flagellum do
moves the cell
what does chromosome do
contains the information to control the cell
where are protocists found
in all habitats
What do protocists feed on
Where do protocists mov eon
tiny little hairs
Can protocists sometimes be green
yes because of chloroplasts
pseudopods help amoebas move
because some dont move
How do protocists eat cytoplasm
it surrounds it then englufs it
how do pseupods move
they stretch out from the cell and used to pull the rest of th cell towards them
What are pseupods for
they help amoebas move and they stretch out their cytoplasm
why does algae have an eyespot to detect light
so they can produce photosynthesis
where does algae get its energy from
from the light when they photsyntheies
what resources do protocists need to grow well
moisture and warmth
examples of fungi
mushrooms yeast and mould
do fungi cells have a nucelus
do fungi cells have chloroplasts
What is a ringworm
A common skin diease thought to be caused by worms
How could of David Gruby discover a fungus in the rings.
by a microscope
how do yeast reproduce
use budding
what is budding
asexual reproduction
what is the product with glucose
from the digestive system
what is the product of carbon dioxide in anaroebic respiration
waste product exhaled (poisonnous)
what does aroebic respiration release
energy for yeast cells and produces more carbon dioxide
why do we add yeast when making bread
make it rise
what is fermentation
when yeast respires anaoerobically and is used to make wine and beer
why is air kept out of juice mixture
make sure it ferments
is yeast part of the fungi kingdom
is glucose a limiting factor for yeast to grow
what is chromosomal DNA
giant loop of DNA containing most of the genetic material
what si the Flagella
long whip like sctructure that allow the bacteria to move themselves
what is teh slime coat
layer surroudning the bacteria cell to protect it from enviromental dangers
why does a bacteria cell need a flagellum
help it move themselves
why does a bacteria cell need a slime coat
to protect itself from enviromental dangers
does a bacteria cell have nucleus
what is the difference between budding and binary fission
Cytoplasmic division
what is binary fission
a type of asexual reproduction
does temperature and glucose effect the growth rate of bacteria
what is bacteria
a member of a large group of unicellular microorganisms which have cell walls but lack organelles and an organized nucleus, including some that can cause disease.
is bacteria unicellular
What do bacteria divide by when they multiply
binary fission
why does yeast population stop growing
limiting factors
what is the equation for photosynthesis
Carbon dioxide + Water =( SUNLIGHT) Glucose + Oxygen
is photosynthesis the same as areobic respiration
No because areobic respiration uses oxygen and produces carbon dioxide and photosynthesis uses carbon dioxide and produces oxygen
Why do anmials rely on photosyntheis
Photosynthesis is really important for animals, including humans because
without photosynthesis we wouldn’t have food because it converts energy from the sun into chemical energy for the food chains.
photosynthesis keeps the levels of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere in balance – without it we would very quickly run out of oxygen.
what do plants need for photosynthesis
carbon dioxide
what do plants make by photosynthesus
glucose (sugar)
what do chloroplasts contain to make them green
What is chlorophyll
green pigment, present in all green plants and in cyanobacteria, which is responsible for the absorption of light to provide energy for photosynthesis.
Where do plants get carbon dioxide from
Plants get carbon dioxide from the air through their leaves, and water from the ground through their roots. Light energy comes from the Sun.
what is the role of a phagocyte
Engulf and destroy bacteria
what is the role of a b-cell
Makes infection-fighting proteins called antibodies
what is the role of a t cell
destroy body cells that have been infected by the pathogen