Unexpected Events In Inheritance Flashcards
Summarize mitochondrial inheritance
Mitochondria are inherited from the mother- all of her offspring are affected, father doesn’t transmit
Describe variable expression in mitochondrial disorders
The severity of mitochondrial disorders can vary in individuals with the disorder
This is due to the phenomenon of heteroplasmy
The severity of the disorder depends on the number of mitochondria that have mutant gene
Summarize heteroplasmy in mitochondria disorders
- Mitichondrial DNA segregates passively when a cell divides
- Unequal distribution of mutant and non-mutant mitochondrial DNA, results in the phenomenon of heteroplasmy in mitochondrial disorders
- explains the variable expression of the disease in the offspring
Summarize mitichondrial disorders
-Mitichondrial mutations generally affect multiple organ systems
- Leber hereditary optic neuropathy
- manifests as progressive blindness arrplund 20-30 years
- MELAS: mitichondria, encephalopathy, lactic acidosis, and stroke like episodes
- Myoclonic epilepsy with ragged red fibers (MERRF)
- When a female is affected with a severe Mitichondrial disorder, one of the options is artificial reproduction technology
- The mom’s nuclear DNA is fused to the donor’s ovum (enucleated) and fertilized with the dad’s sperm cells
What are the Disorders with non-Mendelian/ unexpected inheritance patterns?
Digenic disorders
-Retinis Pigmentosa
- Prader Willi syndrome
- Angelman syndrome
The above 2 are parent of origin effect
Triplet repeat disorders with anticipation (Mendelian-but mutation is unstable) -Huntington -myotonic dystrophy The above 2 are autosomal dominant -fragile x syndrome (X-linked)
What are digenetic disorders?
Mutations in two genes (A,B) are additive and necessary to produce the disorder -individuals with mutations in both genes demonstrate the phenotype
One form of retinis Pigmentosa
- A disease of progressive visual impairment
- A result of a mutation in two independent genetic loci(ROM1 and peripherin)
- Heterozygous for gene A and gene B have retinis Pigmentosa.
Explain the functioning imprinting (parent of origin effects)
Some genes are active only when transmitted by mother or father
-Imprinting involves methylation of specific loci (epigenetic change) and silencing of the gene
Normal imprinting pattern on chromosome 15:
- SNRPN gene is silenced by methylation on maternal ch15, but UBE3A is active
- UBE3A is active on the maternal chromosome 15
- On parental ch15, SNRPN is active and UBE3A is inactive (silenced by methylation).
- SNRPN is active on the paternal chromosome 15
Explain Prader Willi syndrome
Prader Willi syndrome may be caused by:
- Microdeletion of paternal chromosome 15 (70% of patients)
- Maternal uniparental disomy of chromosome 15
Prader Willi syndrome due to micro deletion of Paternal 15q11-13(absence of SNRPN)
- Microdeletion of this region in paternal chromosome—> Prader Willi syndrome (about 70% of cases)
- Microdeletion can be detected by FISH using specific probes against the region or by array CGH (CMA)
- Children are usually obese, have mental and developmental delay and underdeveloped genitalia
- Hypotonia in infancy, failure to to thrive
Explain Prader Willi syndrome as a result of Microdeletion.
In children with Microdeletion if the region on paternal chromosome 15, there is production of UBE3A protein from maternal gene , but SNRPN that is normally produced from the paternal chromosome 15 is absent, resulting in the phenotypic manifestations
Summarize how uniparental disomy can lead to Prader Willis syndrome
Uniparental disomy is a condition when the child has two copies if the maternal chromosome 15 (absence of paternal chromosome 15)
- The region 15q11-13 is normally inactive in the maternal chromosome due to imprinting (methylation)
- Such children have two active copies of UBE3A and NO active copies of SNRPN gene
- Can be detected by methylation analysis - there are two methylated copies of ch15
Describe methylation analysis
- Methylation sensitive restriction enzyme analysis uses the differential methylation patterns of chromosome 15 (maternal and paternal)
- The restriction enzyme doesn’t cleave methylated maternal DNA; paternal chromosome 15 at this region is cleaved by the enzyme
- May be exploited by Southern blot, PCR and DNA sequencing
When is methylation pattern analysis ?
Most useful when the children are very young and have not developed classical phenotypes if the disorders
How can the cause of Prader Willi syndrome be differentiated?
Polymorphic marker analysis
Due to the Microdeletion of chromosome 15 or due to uniparental disomy of maternal ch15
What is Angelman syndrome ?
Angelman syndrome can be caused by :
- deletion of maternal 15q11-13 (absence of active UBE3A gene)
- Uniparental disomy of paternal chromosome 15 (two copies of active SNRPN and absence of UBE3A gene)
- “happy puppet syndrome”
- Happy disposition, laugh inappropriately
- Severe intellectual disability, seizures
- Puppet like posture of limbs
How can uniparental disomy/deletion lead to angel,an syndrome ?
Maternal deletion of ch15 region- SNRPN gene active and NO active copy of UBE3A
Paternal uniparental disomy of ch15- two copies of SNRPN gene and NO active copy of UBE3A
What are the four classes of triplet repeat disirders?
The triplet repeat may be present
-At the promoter region of the gene, resulting in reduced expression of the gene (CGG repeat in the fragile x syndrome )
- In an intron, resulting in formation of heterochromatin (Friedrich ataxia)
- In the coding region of the gene, resulting in a polyglutamine expansion in the protein (Huntington disease: CAG codes for glutamine )
- At the 3’ end (3’ UTR) of the gene (myotonic dystrophy)
Explain what is anticipation
Individuals in the recent generations of a pedigree develop disease at an earlier age and generally with greater severity
Huntington disease
- Triplet repeat expansion: CAG repeat in the exon
- There is a polyglutamine tract in the Huntington protein
Greater the number of repeats, earlier is the age of onset of symptoms and more severe is the disirder
Repeats are unstable, and repeat size influences disease severity and age of onset -this is anticipation
Explain anticipation in triplet repeat expansion disorders
The larger the repeat, the grater is the chance for it to be unstable and it tends to expand from one generation to the next
Anticipation is observed in the triplet repeat expansion disorders:
- In Huntington disease (autosomal dominant disorder), is generally more severe if transmitted from the father
- Myotonic dystrophy(autosomal dominant disirder)- expansion takes place in the mother
- Fragile X syndrome (X-linked disorder)- repeat expansion in the mother
What is the net result of anticipation of myotonic dystrophy ?
Increasing severity from one generation to the next
What are fragile X syndrome ?
Triplet repeat expansion (CGG repeat) on the X chromosome
- The triplet repeat is present at 5’ end (promoter region) of the FMR1 gene- resulting in increased methylation of this region and silencing of the FMR1 gene (epigenetics)
- females are less severely affected than males (only 50% of females with the full mutation may manifest with learning difficulties)
- Shiws anticipation in successive generations (repeat expansion takes place during oogenesis; disease tends to be more severe when a female transmits the mutation )
- Higher the number of repeats, greater is the severity of the disorder and earlier is the onset
What are the characteristic features of fragile x syndrome ?
Intellectual disability
Learning difficulties
Prominent ears
Elongated face
Macro orchidism (enlarged testis)
What are the diagnostic tests for fragile x syndrome ?
Southern blot analysis if the triple repeat gives an indication of the number if triplet repeat sequences
The X chromosomes show breakage (fragile X) in a folate deficient medium- cytogenetic test. The fragile site is demonstrated only in individuals who carry the full mutation
Analysis of the mother’s X chromosome usually demonstrates a prematuration