Uned 23 Flashcards
Will you (not bydd) bring flags, rocks and saucers to the forests?
Wnei di ddod baneri, creigiau a soseri i’r coedwigoedd?
Will he (not bydd) receive a call when he advertises the disabled entrance?
Wnaiff e dderbyn galwad pan mae fe’n hysbysebu’r fynedfa anabl?
She will go (not bydd) to get drunk in public by drinking Irish Coffee from a teapot in a popular place.
Aiff hi i feddwi yn gyhoeddus gan yfed coffi Gwyddelig o’r tebot mewn lle poblogaidd.
I will have (not bydd) no reason to spend time or make redundant my knees or elbows.
Caf i ddim rheswm i dreulio amser neu diswyddo fy pengliniau neu penelinoedd.
They will (not bydd) sew the old people’s home to fit the kind sweet people together.
Gnawn nhw gwnïo’r cartref henoed i ffitio’r bobl garedig melys gyda’i gilydd.
We are coming (not bydd) to go about chatting to people by the side of the road, which is somewhat strange, but we are proud of it.
Dawn ni i fynd ati sgwrsio i bobl wrth ochr y ffordd, dyna braidd rhyfedd, ond dyn ni’n falch ohono fe.