Sylfaen 19 Flashcards
Will you pass me the keys to the lecture? I will.
Fyddi di’n pasio’r allweddi i fi i’r ddarlith? Bydda.
Would they use the by-pass to go over the roundabout? They would not.
Fydden nhw’n defnyddio’r ffordd osgoi i fynd dros y cylchfan? Na fydden.
Will we eat with a fork, knife or spoon while eating food from the bowl? We will.
Fyddan ni’n bwyta gyda fforc, cyllell neu lwy dra bwyta bwyd o’r bowlen? Byddan.
Would she sweat when she puts spicy herbs, pepper and a stock cube in the recipe? She wouldn’t.
Fyddai hi’n chwys pan mae hi’n rhoi perlysiau sbeislyd, pupur a chiwb stoc yn y rysáit? Na fydda.
Will they instruct the driver to throw the vegetarian off at the next bus stop? They would.
Fyddan nhw gyfarwyddo’r gyrrwr i daflu’r llysieuol i ffwrdd yn y safle bws nesaf. Byddan.
The man would direct me to add fresh wooden tins to my traditional recipe.
Byddai’r dyn yn cyfeirio fi at ychwanegu tunau ffres pren i fy rysáit traddodiadol.
The kids will command me to hold the line if I give them a word of advice.
Bydd y plant yn gorchymyn i fi i dal y lein os dw i’n roi gair o cyngor iddyn nhw.
Would she peel the vegetables? She would not.
Fyddai hi’n tynnu crwyn y llysiau? Na fyddai.