Sylfaen 20 Flashcards
Is there a crown in the attic, or the cellar?
Oes coron yn yr atig, neu’r seler?
Do you have a carpet in your conservatory?
Oes gennyt ti garpedi yn dy ystafell wydr?
Is the furniture from a farmhouse with central heating?
Ydy’r celfi sy’n dod o ffermdy gyda gwres canolog?
Would we take oil from the roof, above from below?
Fydden ni’n cymryd olew o’r tô, uwchben o isel ben?
Is there a journalist in the greenhouse, and will they tidy it?
Oes newyddiadurwr yn y tŷ gwydr, a fyddan nhw’n tacluso fe?
Would you put the central heating on to dry my clothes?
Fyddet ti’n rhoi’r gwres canolog ymlaen i sychu dillad fi?
I won’t be able to include the curtains.
Fydda’i ddim yn gallu cynnwys y llenni.
Where is the new house being built? Opposite the school.
Ble mae’r tŷ newydd yn cael ei adeiladu? Gyferbyn yr ysgol.
Do you want to sit together or separately?
Wyt ti’n moyn eistedd gyda’n gilydd neu ar wahân?