Sylfaen 12 Flashcards
I need to explain to you how to switch off your social media.
Dw i angen esbonio i ti sut i ddiffodd dy gyfryngau cymdeithasol.
I didn’t know what to expect when I went to Greece.
Do’n i ddim yn gwybod beth i ddisgwyl pan es i i Wlad Groeg.
My son thinks there are monsters in the dark.
Mae mab fi yn meddwl bod bwystfilod yn y tywyllwch.
It was part of my contract to eat grapefruit for breakfast.
Oedd e’n rhan o cytundeb fi i fwyta grawnffrwyth i frecwast.
I like my girlfriend because she appreciates peace and quiet.
Dw i’n hoffi fy nghariad achos mae hi’n gwerthfawrogi llonydd.
The butchers is in a tower.
Mae’r cigyddion mewn twr.
I don’t look at a screen when eating breakfast.
Sain edrych ar sgrin pan dw i’n bwyta frecwast.