Understanding visceral pain - ANATOMY Flashcards
What are the ANs’ functions for the abdomen?
- motor to smooth muscle
- secretomotor to glands
- Symp - PAIN
- Para - STRETCH
Which specific sympathetic nerves innervate the abdomen?
Splanchnic nerves
- Greater T5-T9
- Lesser T10, T11
- Least T12
Nerves from lumbar sympathetic chain
Which specific parasympathetic nerves innervate the abdomen?
Sacral outflow - which nerves are these?
HOw are the autonomic nerves distributed?
To periphery and skin
- Run with SOMATIC nerves
Only sympathetic
To organs lacking somatic innervation
- run with arteries
- some may run separately
What is the importance of the aorta with regards to nervous routing?
Abdominal aorta is site of the primary plexus
Both parasympathetic and sympathetic nerves synapse here and move to different organs
What are the various plexuses?
Superior hypogastric
What is referred pain?
Pain is referred to dermatomes
- skin withsame nerve supply
As pain sensation can’t be localised, it is referred.
Also occurs because the abdomen is supplied by autonomic nervous system, not sympathetic - responsible for pain
For which nerve is a dermatome is absent?
C1 - doesn’t supply skin
Where is pain in foregut regions felt? Which spinal segment supplies this?
epigastric region
- stomach
- prox duodenum
- pancreas
- liver
- gall bladder
Where is pain in midgut regions felt? Which spinal segment supplies this? WHat kind of pain is felt?
Umbilical region
- duodenal papilla
- splenic flexure
- cecum
colicky pain - contractions
How does appendicitis pain migrate?
Becomes localised and constant at the right inguinal region
Where is pain in hindgut regions felt? Which spinal segment supplies this?
Suprapubic regions
- descending colon to anal canal
T12- L2