Understanding Human Comm Chapter 4 Flashcards
Language is Symbolic
Language: a collection of symbols governed by rules and used to convey messages between individuals.
Symbols: arbitrary constructions that represent a communicator’s thought.
Meanings Are in People, Not Words
Ogden and Richard Triangle of Meaning

Language is Rule Governed
- Phonological Rules
- Syntactic Rules
- Semantic Rules
- Pragmatic Rules
Phonological Rules
Govern how words sound when pronounces.
Syntactic Rules
Govern the structure of language- the way symbols can be arranged.
Semantic Rules
Deal with the meaning of specific words.
Pragmatic Rules
Govern how people use language in everyday interaction, which communication theorists have charactorized as a series of speech acts.
Language Shapes Attitude
- Naming
- Credibility
- Status
- Sexism and Racism
Language Reflects Attitude
- Power
- Affiliation
- Attraction and Interest
- Responsibility
Troublesome Language
- Equivocal Language- have more than one correct dictionary definition.
- Relative Words- gain their maening by comparison.
- Slang and Jargon- Slang is language used by a group of people whose members belong to a similar coculture or other group. Jargon- specialized vocabulary that functions as a kind of short hand for people with common background and experiance.
- Overly Abstract Language- objects, events, and ideas can be described with varying degrees of specificaty.
Disruptive Language
- Confusing Facts and Opinion.
- Confusing Facts and Inferences- conclusion arrived from interpretation of evidence.
- Emotive Language- descripition anouncing attidude.
Evasive Language
- Euphemisms
- Equivocation- a deliberately vague statement that can be interpreted in more than one way.
Gender and Language
- Content
- Reasons for Communicating
- Conversational Style
- Nongender Variables
Culture and Language
- Verbal Communication Language
- Direct-Indirect
- Elaborate-Succinct
- Formal-Informal
Language and Worldview
Linguistic Relativism- language exerts a srtong influence on the perception of the people who speak it.
Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis- theory that the structure of a language shapes the worldview of its users.