Underdog Flashcards
Who is Alicia Keys?
American singer born in Hell’s Kitchen
When was UD released?
January 9th 2020
What does AK do?
The MV covers themes/lyrics related to experiences of Afro Americans + uses conventions of music/historical roots to reinforce positive representations of ethnicity/race/women.
What movement links to the MV?
Black lives matter
How is the BLM movement reflected in the MV?
Offers social commentary/challenges audiences perceptions of particular social groups/positioning them to view them differently
Person who has the desire to promote the welfare of others
How is AK a philanthropist?
She is politically aware of how dominant groups in society control what’s stereotyped + how representations are constructed/stereotypes reinforced
Mid shot
Ethnicity seen as positive…cultural iconography (headdress)…blending of cultures into cohesive through dance/music…bright clothing/headdress/woman in hijab in prom dress = cultural connotations
Low angle shot
Looking at sky through hands = repeated - lyrics “rise up” = aspiration - position audience engage with issues presented in MV
Long shot - homeless
AC refuses to accept certain groups are misrepresented due to ethnicity/gender/social class should be perceived as victims - reps = positive challenging audience perceptions of homeless as in need of support
Close up shot - child cooking
Stereotype of children fending for selves in domestic sphere - make audience sympathetic…mv progresses subverts stereotypes presents children as resistant/buoyant not struggling
Editing cuts
Individual stories + artist = link - young mother spinning with child in arms/street dancer spinning on table = sense of community + positive rep of marginalised groups
Long shot - family in home
Arrival of mother (warm colour palette = inviting into home) - sitting together at end…gesture of embrace = responsibility/love - positive rep through low key lighting presents home as safe
Long shot - group dancing/singing
Demonstrates solidarity/unity - reinforces positive rep of race/ethnicity + positive expressions = upbeat feeling/engagement with audience - triumph over adversity + idea of “underdog”
Theory of Representation - Stuart Hall
Meaning is produced/exchanged between members of a culture through use of language/signs/images which stand for things
How is theory of representation shown in the MV?
Avoids stereotypes - positive representation - through signs + codes decoded by audiences/interpreted to produce positive reading of MV
Feminist theory - Liesbet Van Zoonen
Femininity is a construction that’s evolved/transformed throughout the media and now offers more positive constructions in the media
How is Van Zoonen’s Feminist Theory explored in the MV?
AK’s agenda centred around own concerns/experiences stemming from her multi cultural background - representations address her awareness of issues
Feminist Theory - bell hook
Focus = all female races learning to conform with one another - women of colour must learn to “confront their interest of white suprematist beliefs” which could lead to self hate/anger to one another instead of at oppressors… trend eliminated by WOC assuming responsibility of uniting to “learn about their culture to share knowledge/skills/gain strength from their diversity”
How is bell hook’s feminist theory presented in the MV?
AK = activist demonstrating feminism as political commitment not lifestyle choice + challenges misrepresentation of social groups
Post colonialism
Critical academic study of cultural/political/economic legacy of colonialism/imperialism focusing on impact of human control/exploitation of colonised people/lands
Paul Gilroy’s ethnicity + post colonial theory
Colonial discourses continue to inform contemporary attitudes to race/ethnicity in post colonial era + society constructs racial hierarchies/sets up binary oppositions based on notions of otherness
How is Paul Gilroy’s ethnicity + post colonial theory presented in the MV?
Reinforces similarities rather than cultural differences to be successful + defy odds… rep of ethnic groups as victims/“otherness” = avoided + replaced with positive ones