I, Daniel Blake Flashcards
What sort of film is IDB?
Independent social realist film directed by Ken Loach + co production/recieved funding from BFI+BBC films
Co production
Joint venture between 2+ production companies for purpose of film production not to make money - ability to pool financial resources = higher production budget
Who produced IDB?
BBC films + Why Not productions
How do co production films obtain funding?
BFI specialise in funding independent films specialising in different film forms - investors, grants, product placement
Founded 1933 - charity governed by Royal charter - combine cultural/creative/industrial roles - they award lottery funding to film production
BBC films
Feature film making arm of BBC - founded 18 June 1990 - co produces 8 films per year
How was IDB critically successful?
Highly critically acclaimed - generated debate due to contemporary social/political issues in film (gov treatment of WC)
How was IDB critical success?
Exhibited at film festivals - won Palme d’or at Cannes film festival + nominated for BAFTA’s
Political message in IDB
Clear left wing political message + criticism of gov policies (benefits/employment/work incapabilities)
Work Capability Assessment
Central to employment/support allowance
Difficult economic situation caused by gov reducing amount of money it spends - people who are victims of austerity are forced to live without necessities
How does IDB promote ideologies of austerity?
Gov/characters in positions of power villainised due to how they treat Daniel + Katie
No recognisable stars in film effect
Enhances realism + positions audience to higher sense of relatability- not out of reach
How are the remits of BFI + BBC reflected in IDB?
BFI - “reflecting the public” channeled through Daniel/kate = struggling working class audience…BBC - “range and ambition” unique/ambitious - themes of austerity
How does IDB adhere to codes/conventions of British social realism film?
Filmed on location existing region (Newcastle) - verisimilitude, features lesser known actors, smaller budget, linear narrative, no special effects
How does the website for IDB encourage consumers to be active?
Includes links to social media + supports #idanielblake - links with twitter
How is IDB distributed?
Poster campaigns + trailers in cinemas
How is IDB exhibited?
Shown at film festivals + received theatrical release in Britain/other countries
How is IDB circulated?
Later released on digital download + DVD/Blu-Ray - now available on convergent platforms (Disney+)
How does the British film poster establish positive status of the film?
Critically acclaimed, expert criticism/promise of pleasure, mark of quality, social media presence, hyperbolic language, gestures- standing up for people, direct mode of address
Power + Media Industries - Curran & Seaton
Media is controlled by a small number of companies primarily driven by the logic of profit/power - media concentration limits variety/creativity/quality
How does IDB challenge power + media industries theory?
Trailer provides experience that sits outside logic of profit/power + demonstrates level of variety/creativity that doesn’t reflect these ideas about media concentration
Regulation - Livingstone + Lunt
Underlying struggle in recent UK regulation policy, need to further interests of citizens and need to further interests of consumers…increasing power of global media corporations with rise of convergent media technologies placed traditional approaches to media regulation at risk
Reasons for IDB achieving 15 certificate
Some verbal sexual references, infrequent use of stronger expletives “c*nt” featured but are justified by context, 2 notable scenes of emotional intensity