ultrasound 1 Flashcards
higher frequency
- shorter wavelength
- shorter penetration
- good resolution
wave speeds in order
air = 330 m/s
fat = 1450 m/s
soft tissue = 1540 m/s
muscle = 1580 m/s
bone = 3000 m/s
what is sound
sound is a mechanical, longitudinal wave that travels in a straight line
- produced when an object vibrates
what are vibrations transmitted through
a medium (air, water, tissue) between adjacent particles of surrounding medium
what is frequency defined as
number of vibrations per second
advantages of sound waves
- non-iosnising radiation
- non-invasive
- acceptable to most patients
- real-time imaging
- inexpensive
- mobile
- images can differentiate between soft tissues
disadvantages to sound waves
- operator dependent
- limited use around bone and air
- limited by patient habits
- different to distinguish malignant and benign
- no functional information
what are piezo-electric materials
they are commonly used in ultrasound transducers and they emit and receive US waves
when is a piezo-electric crystal/ ceramic usd
in ultrasound generation
what happens when a piezo-electric crystal is used
when an alternating current is applied, it undergoes rapid extensions and contractions which causes the material to deform
what does mechanical deformation lead to
the mechanical deformation of the piezo-electric material when an alternating current is applied generates US waves in the form of pressure waves
what happens in the first step of receiver mode?
the US transducer detects and converts incoming US waves into electrical signals
what happens in the second step of the receiver mode
incoming waves strike crystal and exert mechanical stress causing deformation which generates a small electrical current (piezo-electric effect)
what happens when a small EC is generated from deformation
- EC is detected and converted to electrical signal by transducer
what happens to the electrical signal produced by the transducer
- electrical signal is processed by US system to create an image of internal structures
- based on time delay and amplitude of received doses
what is the pulse echo technique
- crystal cannot transmit and receive sound waves at the same time so…
- transducer emits short burst of US waves directed into the body
- pulse travels through medium and different internal materials
- when US waves interferes with a material of different acoustic impedance the portion of US energy is reflected back to the transducer
- the same US transducer that emitted the pulse is now the reciever
advantages of pulse echo technique
- better echoes with no interference between transmitted and reflected sound waves
- alternate generation/ detection only requires 1 crystal
- possible to measure distances + dimensions of image
disadvantages of the pulse echo technique
- limited resolution
- attenuation of signals
- dependency on tissue characteristics
- reflection artefacts
- limited penetration in dense materials
- limited contrast resolution
what is the coupling medium
- US waves reflect strongly where air meets biological tissue
- coupling medium used to facilitate transmission of US waves between transducer and patients skin
what is the purpose of a coupling medium
- eliminate air gaps between transducer and skin
- can be gel, gel pads, oil based gel etc
frame rate needs to be …
fast enough to see real time image
what is acoustic impedance
- property of medium that describes ability to transmit sound waves and measure how much a material resists transmission of acoustic energy
how is acoustic impedance defined as
z = acoustic impedance
p = density
c = speed of sound
this describes the resistance of a material to the transmission of sound waves
z = p . c