UG devo (both lectures) Flashcards
What is the precursor for structures below:
Kidney, Caylces, Pelvis, Ureters, Gonads, Genital Ducts
Intermediate mesoderm
What structures in UG come from Endoderm?
Epithelial lining of Urinary Bladder and urethra
Smooth Muscle & CT in the walls of Bladder and ureter are derived from
Splanchnic Mesoderm
- The Intermediate Mesoderm is Observable at day_____
- It eventually separates from the ________
paraxial mesoderm
Intermediate Mesoderm forms the ___________[later called the Urogenital (UG) Ridge] (covered with Coelomic Epithelium)
Nephrogenic Cord
Specification of kidney-forming ability to the intermediate mesoderm is mediated by signals from __________ and transcription factors ____,____,____ expressed in intermediate mesoderm
paraxial mesoderm
[Pax2, Pax8 & Lim1]
A Mesonephric Kidney Forms Within the__________in the Thoracolumbar Region of the Embryo
Nephrogenic Cord
Two components of mesonephric kidney (a transient functional structure)
Meonephric duct
mesonephric tubules
Mesonephric Duct is an Important Source of_______ for Kidney Structures
- A solid cell cord which eventually canalizes
- Extends________ through nephrogenic cord
Inductive signals caudally
Mesonephric duct fuses with _____ at day 26

The dilated, caudal end of the primitive hindgut; A transient, common outlet for the UG & GI systems
Mesonephric Tubules = Immature Nephrons
- Inductive signals from the ________ induce tubule formation
- Differentiation occurs in a _____ to ______ direction along the nephrogenic cord
- All tubules induced________ present at same time
mesonephric duct
cranial to caudal
are NOT

The Metanephric (Mature) Kidney Forms in the _____of the Embryo from the Caudal Aspect of the ________
Pelvic Region
Nephrogenic Cord

2 Precursors for Metanephric kidney are derived from :
- _________ = ureteric bud
- ________ =metanephric lastema
Intermediate Mesoderm
Metanephric Diverticuclum
Metanephrogenic Mesenchyme

___________ interactions occur between the Metanepric
Diverticulum and the Metanephrogenic Mesenchyme
Reciprocal Inductive
*Metanephic diverticulm encourages differentiation of metaphrogenic mesenchyme
metaphrogenic mesenchyme encourages Branching of metanephric diverticulm
The Epithelial-Mesenchymal interactions between the metanephric diverticulum metanephrogenic mesenchyme are mediated by
growth factors, secreted factors, patterning genes & changes in the extracellular matrix
• A full term infant was born and had severe
respiratory distress. He developed a
pneumothorax and required mechanical
ventilation. The maternal history was positive
for oligohydramnios.
• On exam the infant was small for age. There
were unusual facial features and limb
• The patient expired within 24 hours.
Potters Syndrome
Causes of Potters Syndrome
• Renal agenesis
• Severe urinary obstruction
• Features of facial compression,
growth retardation, limb deformities
• Too little amniotic fluid
– Associated with renal agenesis, polycystic kidney disease, urethral obstruction
– Chronic amniotic leak
Excessive amniotic fluid
– Associated with diabetes, multiple gestation, anencephaly, esophageal atresia
Metanephrogenic Mesenchyme (MM) signals ______ induce formation of Metanephric Diverticulm
Inductive Interactions Between the Metanephric Diverticulum
(MD) and the Metanephogenic Mesenchyme (MM) Result in:________
Nephron Formation
Expanded tips of MD called________, a key signaling center for nephron induction
The varying nature of signals from the ampulla directs the arrangement of ____ and ______. Ampullae begin to disappear at about ____weeks. No new nephrons are formed after all ampullae disappear
nephrons and collecting ducts
MD signals _____ and _____prevents MM cell apoptosis and induces a subset of
MM cells to aggregate around ampulla
[Fgf2, Bmp7]