U5L5 Sustainable Farming Practices Flashcards
What is happening to rainforests as the population increases?
More and more rain forest land is used for agriculture
What is the definition of intercropping?
Growing multiple crops on the same plot of land
What is the definition of alley cropping?
A type of agroforestry in which rows of trees are plated in between rows of crops
What is the definition of agroforestry?
The intentional use of trees and shrubs in farming
How can agroforestry and alley cropping affect the atmosphere?
When farmers plant trees for alley cropping—or even maintain existing forests in more complex forms of agroforestry—they allow for greater carbon storage. When more carbon dioxide is stored, less carbon dioxide is in the atmosphere, which slows down the process of climate change.
What is the definition of carbon sequestration?
The process by which carbon dioxide is removed from the atmosphere and stored
What biome if the Alpha Coffee Co. in?
Tropical region
What method does Alpha use to make room for their crops?
Mono-cropping, what the Alpha Co. does, is bad for the environment. Why?
Alpha grows coffee beans as its only crop. Mono-cropping—growing a single crop over a period of years—leads to depletion of nutrients, like nitrogen, in the soil.
How does Aloha compensate for the problem caused by mono-cropping?
By adding increasing amounts of fertilizer to the soil each year. Soil erosion is also a problem resulting from mono-cropping, so Alpha continues to clear new farmland as needed.
Why does the Alpha Coffee Company need to order pesticides?
Insects, like the coffee berry borer, are common at the Alpha Coffee Company farm. Without the trees and other plants, there are no predators, like birds, to eat these insects.
Why is Alpha Coffee Co. so successful?
Alpha has focused on making its planting and harvesting processes more efficient by focusing on a single crop. For example, Alpha is able to make use of mechanical harvesters. This efficiency results in significantly reduced labor costs.
By using a conventional farming approach, Alpha’s coffee plants did not have any competition for sun, water, or nutrients. As a result, the production rate for the Alpha farm is one of the highest in the region. Because of the high production rates, Alpha company is quite profitable.
What type of farming does Beta Coffee Co. use?
What methods does Beta Coffee Co. use?
The farmers there are using alley cropping by planting rows of macadamia nut trees and inga trees in between rows of Arabica bean coffee plants.
Why is Beta Coffee Co. spending more money that the Alpha Co.?
They had to hire and train more workers in order to manage the additional planting, and mulching tasks of two crops. Because they will not be able to use mechanical harvesters, Beta will continue to need to employ more manual laborers.
Why didn’t Beta Coffee Co. have to order pesticides?
The macadamia and inga trees provide habitats for many insect-eating birds, allowing Beta to eliminate the need for pesticides.
Why are Beta’s Coffee beans more expensive?
Because they don’t use pesticides, Beta is able to sell its coffee beans at a higher price.
Why can’t Beta apply for a shade-grown certification?
Beta might also sell the coffee beans for a higher price if the company applies for a shade-grown certification, but it has not yet done so due to the application cost.
Why are palm oil plantations bad for the environment?
The clear rainforests to make room for monoculture oil palm plantations.
Which places face the most environmental impact due to palm oil?
Indonesia and Malaysia, for they produce 80% of the world’s palm oil
What similarities do you observe between the debate over palm oil production and the debate over coffee production? How are the scenarios different?
Conventional cultivation of oil palms and coffee both lead to deforestation and a decrease in biodiversity in the area. There is increasing demand for sustainable coffee as well as sustainable palm oil. However, while coffee production only affects the coffee industry, palm oil production effects a wide range of industries. Palm oil has more potential substitutes than coffee.
Given the negative impacts of palm oil production, do the benefits of using palm oil outweigh the costs?
Compared with other crops, oil palms require less land to produce the same amount of vegetable oil. Since less land needs to be cleared to cultivate oil palms than to cultivate soy or other substitutes, palm oil’s benefits outweigh its environmental costs.
What advice would you give to someone who wants to start an oil palm plantation while maximizing benefits and minimizing costs?
Farmers should try to maximize efficiency on land that has already been cleared rather than causing further deforestation. Farmers can repurpose land that was previously used for grazing or agriculture instead of clearing new areas of the rain forest. Farmers should also adhere to policies on environmental and social responsibility, which will protect communities and also make the palm oil more attractive to companies seeking sustainable solutions.