U5 Ch.22 Expansion Flashcards
Reasons for expansion
- Psychological
- Defensive
- Offensive
Each of these has reasons within them but in a question the heading should be each of these 3 then explain the inner reasons. If not going to fully explain each then make sure to include at least 1 inner reason from each of 3 outer reasons
Expansion Defensive Reasons
- Reducing Costs (benefit from economies of scale)
- Protect supplies (backwards vertical integration guarantees access to supplies at cost price)
- Diversification (more products entering into new markets protect from competition since not dependent on one)
- Protect Distribution (forward vertical integration to ensre constant distribution)
Expansion Psychological Reasons
- Challenge (enjoy managing new market or acquisition and satisfaction of success)
- Ambition (be most successful or wealthy. or build an empire)
Expansion Offensive Reasons
- Eliminate Competition (dominate market ensure largest market share)
- Access new products (cheaper to acquire than develop a competing product)
- Asset Stripping (buying and selling off assets at a profit)
- Increasing Profits (grow to be able to profit also economies of scale)
Backward Vertical Integration
Expanding back into supply chain
Forward Vertical Integration
Expanding forward into market for product (e.g. buying a retailer)
Organic Growth
(Internal Growth) achieved naturally within business itself. Slow and happens gradually with time. Use own resources and doesn’t involve outside firms. Includes:
1. Growing Sales (of existing product or develop new product)
2. Licensing
3. Franchising
Inorganic Growth
(external growth) involving other businesses. quick form of expansion. Includes:
1. strategic alliance
2. merger
3. acquisition
Business(licensor) allows another firm(licensee) to use designs and products in return for royalty payment. E.g. Toys based on movies
-Low Cost
-Continous income
-Loses Quality control
-May lose control of production / distribution
Royalty Payment
payment made for ongoing right to use design and products of a business
business (franchisor) lets another business (franchisee) use name, logo and business idea in return for a fee and percentage of profits. Franchisee is trained on how to operate and must adhere to strict guidelines
Franchising Advantages
- Low capital cost (money for premises/equipment comes from franchisee)
- Rapid (no overheads and costs associated with company owned)
- Less management needed (handled by franchisee)
- Low risk (if guidelines broken franchise can be cancelled to avoid brand damage)
Franchising Risks
- Control lost (of day to day management. Can be difficult to monitor a lot of franchised outlets)
- Training (expensive + time consuming)
- Regular Monitoring needed
Strategic Alliance
(Joint Venture) 2 or more independent firms agree to co-operate and share expertise + resources for mutual benefit. Firms remain independent legally and maintain own seperate trading identity
e.g. Apple and mastercard developed Apple Pay to enable customers to pay for items using their phones
friendly amalgamation of two or more businesses for mutual benefit. Single new legal entity is formed.
E.g. Irish Permanent Building Society merged with Trustee Savings Bank to become Permanent TSB