U3L2 Flashcards
what is emotional behavioral disorder?
also known as emotional disturbance. it affects the child’s education performance. a child will be identified that has this disorder when he/she is unable to learn or has problem in learning that cannot be explained by intellectual, sensory, or health factor.
he/she cannot build or maintain satisfactory interpersonal relationships
he/she shows inappropriate behaviors or feelings under normal circumstances
he/she shows unhappiness or depression
he/she develops physical symptoms or fears associated with personal or school problems
what is anxiety attacks?
encompass abnormally high levels of the types of anxiety such as stress, tension, fears, and worries.
this will said to occur when these normal types of anxiety occur at such intensity or frequency
what are the severe forms of anxiety
excessive fears, phobias, panic attacks, extreme social withdrawal
what is depression?
depressed mood and loss of interest in productive activity
why is depression among children and adolescent was for many years a controversial topic?
theorists believe that depression was not possible in childhood due to children’s relatively undeveloped sense of self
what are the symptoms of depression?
1.inability to experience pleasure
2.depressed mood or irritability
3.change in appetite and weight loss
4.sleep disturbance
5.psychomotor agitation or retardation
6.fatigue or lack of energy
7.feelings of worthlessness, guilt, hopelessness
8.difficulty thinking or concentrating
9.thoughs of suicide or death
what is obsessive compulsive disorder?
consistent compulsive reassurance
the most common obsessions in childhood focus on____
-germ or contamination
-followed by fears of harm to self or other
-excessive moralization or religiosity
the most common compulsion include____
-excessive washing
-excessive repeating, checking, and touching
-excessive counting and ordering
childhood OCD is reactive to stress, however many children experience acute symptoms exacerbation during
times of psychosocial challenge (start of school year, moving to a new home, death or separating from family member) or illness
what is bipolar disorder?
formerly called manic depression, is mental health condition that causes extreme mood swings that include emotional highs (mania or hypomania) and low (depression)
how can you support learners with socio-emotional disorders?
identify the problem as early as possible as this will be a better chance to achieve positive outcomes as well as incorporate socio-emotional learning activities such as scaffolding, movement breaks, gratitude practice
what are the two distinct intervention efforts?
preventing problems from occurring or manifesting in the first place
intervening early, often intensively at the first signs of trouble
what is asthma?
a common chronic inflammation in the lungs. it is a pulmonary disease with ongoing airway inflammation that results in recurring acute attacks of breathing problems such as coughing, wheezing, chest tightness, and shortness of breath (american lung association, 2018)
teaching accommodations and modifications on children with asthma
adjust the activity schedule of the students if environmental triggers such as pollen or cold air affect the student
provide adequate warm-up and cool-down periods to probably prevent exercise-induced asthma
consult school nurse, parents or guardians to ensure that the students is safe to participate actively in physical activity
modified the activity
recognize preliminary signs and address them if they occur
what is diabetes?
is a chronic disease associated with abnormally high levels of sugar or glucose in the blood. the body cannot properly burn the glucose it gets from food for energy
what is type 1 diabetes?
it is an insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. it requires that the person should supplement insulin since the body is unable to produce it.
what are the symptoms of type 1 diabetes?
frequent infections, blurred vision, cuts and bruises that are slow to heal, tingling and numbness in extremities, recurring skin, and gum or bladder infections
what is type 2 diabetes?
it is a non-insulin-dependent mellitus. the most common type of diabetes.
what are the symptoms of type 2 diabetes?
symptoms consist of any type 1 symptoms that include frequent urination, unusual thirst, hunger, unexplained weight loss, fatigue, and irritability
teaching accommodations and modifications on children with diabetes
know which of your students have diabetes and seek information from health aid, school nurse, parents and the students
allow learners to test their blood sugar levels before, during, after class and monitor their testing
be sensitive to allowing the students to bring candy or other acceptable foods to class
monitor learners with diabetes, allow them to rest for awhile if he/she wants
modify activity as normally done in the class to address individual needs
what is epilepsy?
a chronic disorder, whereby there are recurrent, unprovoked seizures. it is a spectrum condition with wide range of seizures types and control varying from one individual to another
teaching accommodations and modifications on children with epilepsy
assign a peer tutor to work alongside a student with epilepsy. this student should also be educated about seizures so she will know what to do and can alert teachers
select appropriate activities for the class with the goal of preventing a seizure to occur. do not incorporate activities that are contraindicated