U3 Aos1 Flashcards
Physical health and wellbeing
relates to the functioning of the body and its systems; it includes the physical capacity to perform daily activities or tasks.
Examples of physical health and wellbeing
- Healthy body weight
- Well-functioning of the body, systems and organs
- Ability to complete physical tasks adequately
- Freedom from illness, disease and injury
- Adequate energy levels
- Appropriate levels of fitness
- Strong immune system
WHO definition of health
Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity
Social health and wellbeing
relates to the ability to form meaningful and satisfying relationships with others and the ability to manage or adapt appropriately to different social situations. It also includes the level of support provided by the family and within a community to ensure that every person has the ability to function as a contributing member of the society.
Examples of social health and wellbeing
- Satisfying and meaningful relationships
- Productive relationships with other people
- Effective communication with others
- Supportive network of friends
- Supportive and well-functioning family
- Ability to adapt or manage appropriately to different social situations
Health and wellbeing
The state of a person’s physical, mental, social, emotional and spiritual existence, characterised by an equilibrium in which the individual feels happy, healthy capable and engaged.
Emotional health and wellbeing
relates to the ability to express emotions and feelings in a positive way. Emotional health and wellbeing is about the positive management and expression of emotions and the ability to display resilience. Emotional health and wellbeing is the degree to which an individual feels secure and relaxed in everyday life.
Examples of emotional health and wellbeing
- High level of resilience
- Experience appropriate emotions in different social scenarios
- Recognise and understand the range of emotions
- Effectively respond to and manage emotions
Mental health and wellbeing
The current state of wellbeing relating to a person’s mind or brain and their ability to think and process information. A mentally healthy brain enables and individual to positively form opinions, make decisions and use logic.
Examples of mental health and wellbeing
- Low levels of stress or anxiety
- High levels of confidence
- Positive self-esteem
- Process information to solve problems
- Positive thought patterns
- Use logic and reasoning to form opinions and make decisions
Spiritual health and wellbeing
relates to ideas, beliefs, values and ethics that arise in the mind and conscience of human beings. It includes the concepts of hope, peace, a guiding sense of meaning or value and reflection on one’s place in the world.
Examples of spiritual health and wellbeing
- A sense of belonging or connection to the world
- Acting according to values and beliefs
- Developed personal values and beliefs
- Positive meaning and purpose in life
- Peace and harmony
continually changing
influenced by or based on a person’s beliefs, feelings or opinions
a physical or mental disturbance involving symptoms, dysfunction or tissue damage.
A subjective concept related to personal experience of a disease or injury.
Health as a resource INDIVIDUALLY
- Sleep well
- Work productively
- Exercise
- Live independently
- Increased leisure time
- Work towards their purpose in life
- Spend time with friends
- Effectively run a household
- Earn an income
- Gain an education
- Reduced healthcare costs
Health as a resource NATIONALLY
- Increased social participation
- Reduced stress and anxiety in the community
- Longer, healthier lives
- Health system savings
- Fewer people relying on social security
- Increased productivity
- Higher average incomes
Health as a resource GLOBALLY
- Reduces risk of disease transmission between countries
- Assists in promoting peace and stability
- Promotes economic development
- Promotes social development
- Promotes sustainability
Pre-requisites for health: Peace
The absence of conflict. When a community or country is experiencing peace, there is a decreased risk of premature death, serious injury, disability and other adverse effects that are usually associated with conflict. Peace therefore promotes the physical health and wellbeing of all people.
Pre-requisites for health: Shelter
Shelter describes a structure that provides protection from the outside environment.
- privacy
- safety and security
- reduced risk of disease
- reduced stress and anxiety
- ability to focus on employment or education
- more time to pursue a purposeful and meaningful life
Pre-requisites for health: Education
Receiving formal or systematic instruction. Education is a key requirement for obtaining meaningful and well-paid employment that promotes economic development and increases the ability of individuals to afford resources such as
- food
- shelter and healthcare
- reduces stress - increases mental h+w
Pre-requisites for health: Food (security)
“The state in which all persons obtain nutritionally adequate, culturally appropriate, safe food regularly through local non-emergency sources” (VicHealth)
- improves physical h+w - increases ability of individuals to consume the required nutrients to meet energy needs therefore being able to afford daily tasks
Pre-requisites for health: Income
Money received for work, through investments or through social security, at both the individual/family and government/country level
- allows people to purchase resources such as food, health care, education, transport and shelter
- increased tax revenue: higher average incomes for individuals and businesses, more resources available
Pre-requisites for health: A stable eco-system
what is it made of?
A community that exists of all the living and nonliving components in a particular area, this includes living things such as plants, animals and micro-organisms such as bacteria and nonliving things like weather, rocks, soil and watercourses
- basic human resources regenerated
Pre-requisites for health: sustainable resources
refers to whether current resources required for good health and wellbeing are available for future generations also
- sustainable food and water sources are required for human survival
Pre-requisites for health: Social justice
related to equal rights and opportunities for all, regardless of personal traits, all people are treated fairly (human rights upheld)
- equal access to resources
Pre-requisites for health: Equity
relates to fairness and impartiality for all within the population, disadvantaged groups receive more assistance to lead a decent life and have the same opportunities as others.
- everyone being given access to resources they require
Health status indicators:
The number or rate of new cases of a disease during a specified period of time.
Example: An incidence of 50,000 new cases of COVID daily.
Health status indicators: Prevalence
The total number or proportion of cases of a particular disease or condition present in a population at a given time. (new + existing cases)
Example: The prevalence of cases is 50,000 plus the existing which is 20,000, so it is 70,000.
Health status indicators: Morbidity
Ill-health in an individual or population. Morbidity rate measures how many people are suffering from a particular condition (illness, injury, disability) at a particular time.
Health status indicators: Burden of disease
A measure of the impact of diseases and injuries, specifically measures the gap between current health status and an ideal situation where everyone lives to an old age free of disease and disability. Measured in DALY.
Health status indicators: Mortality
Refers to deaths in a population. Mortality rate is a measure of a proportion of a population who die in a one year period (normally expressed per 100,000).
Health status indicators: Life expectancy
An indication of how long a person can expect to live, it is the number of years remaining to a person at a particular age if deaths rates do not change.
Health status indicators: Disability adjusted life-year (DALY)
A measure of the burden of disease. One DALY = one year of life lost due to premature death and time lived with disease, illness or injury.
YLD = years of life lost due to disability (non-fatal)
YLL = years of life lost (fatal)
Health status indicators: Health adjusted life expectancy (HALE)
A measure of the burden of disease based on life expectancy at birth, but including an adjustment for a time spent in poor health. It is the number of years in full health that a person can expect to live, based on current rates of ill-health and mortality.
Health status indicators: Self-assessed health status
A measure based on a person’s own opinion about how they feel about their health and wellbeing, their state of mind and their life in general.
Health status
overall health?
taking into account?
An individual’s or a population’s overall health, taking into account various aspects such as life expectancy, amount of disability and levels of disease risk factors.
Health status indicators:
Maternal mortality
Deaths of women who are pregnant (100,000)
Health status indicators:
Under 5 Mortality
Deaths of children under 5 (1000)
Health status indicators:
Infant mortality
Deaths of infants between birth and their first birthday (1000)