U-W Flashcards
Ultraviolet-ray Sanitizer
A metal cabinet with ultra-violet lamps or bulbs used to store sanitized tools and implements.
Ultra-violet Rays
These are invisible rays with short wavelengths and minimal skin penetration that produces chemical effects and kills germs. Other names for this are Actinic or Cold Rays.
The deepest feelings and thoughts we have about ourselves and about life.
A small buster or sac containing clear fluid.
Virgin application
The first time the hair is tinted.
An infectious agent that lives only by penetrating cells and becoming part of them.
An acquired leukoderma of the skin characterized by milky-white spots.
Wet Sanitizer
Any covered receptacle large enough to permit the immersion of tools and implements into a disinfectant solution.
White Blood Cells
These cells perform the function of destroying disease-causing germs.
A closed comedone; consisting of accumulated sebum that remains a whitish color because it does not have a follicular opening for exposure to oxygen.
This is hair that grows in a circular pattern.
Written Examination
content knowledge (Computer-based testing only)