M Flashcards
Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)
Provides product information as complied by manufacturer.
Maxillary Bones
Bones of the upper jaw.
Medicated Rinse
A rinse formulated to control minor dandruff and scalp condition.
Medicated Shampoos
Shampoos containing medicinal agents for control of dandruff and other scalp conditions.
The innermost or center layer of the hair shaft.
A coloring matter or pigment of the skin, found in the stratum germinativum of the epidermis and in the papillary layer of the dermis.
The muscle that elevates the lower lip and raises and wrinkles the skin of the chin.
Mental Nerve
The nerve that affects the skin of the lower lip and chin.
A complex chemical process whereby cells are nourished and supplied with the energy needed to carry out their activities.
Contains the metacarpal bones in the palm of the hand.