U Vocab Flashcards
At the risk of repeating myself for the “umpteenth” time, please get your homework done.
(adj) UMP-teenth
too many times to be countable
SYNONYM: countless, infinite, innumerable, many
The actress has an “uncanny” resemblance to my teacher. I wonder if they are related.
(adj) uhn-KAN-ee
very strange, unusual
SYNONYM: eerie, extraordinary, fantastic, incredible, inexplicable, magical, mysterious, queer, remarkable, spooky, supernatural, unnatural, weird
The swim meet results were considered “unprecedented” in the history of the meet. There were three first place winners.
(adj) uhn-PRES-i-den-tid
exceptional, original
SYNONYM: extraordinary, fantastic, marvelous, miraculous, novel, remarkable, singular, unheard-of, unparalleled, unrivaled