U/G Paths & Oils Flashcards
What is it? Symptoms? Causes? What advice would you give a client? What EOs would be appropriate? What would you prepare and how would you advise them to use EOs?
Can occur anywhere in the system. Most common in middle aged men.
Needs referring!
Symptoms: Acute pain, esp. sharp if in ureter or urethra.
Impedes flow of urine - may have kidney infection.
Hydration is key.
Diet needs attention - Increase whole grains & fibre
Decrease animal proteins, salt, caffeine & beer.
Fresh lemon juice in hot water 1st thing every morning helps to flush the kidneys.
Juniper, Bergamot, Angelica, Grapefruit, Lemon, Helichrysum, Lavender
Juniper - Detoxifying, Diuretic, UG tonic
Angelica Root - Depurative, Diuretic, UG tonic
Grapefruit - Depurative, Diuretic
What is it? Symptoms? Causes? What advice would you give a client? What EOs would be appropriate? What would you prepare and how would you advise them to use EOs?
Inflammation/Infection of the bladder lining. More common in women due to shorter urethra.
Symptoms: Burning on urination, Increased need to urinate, low back pain. If blood/pus in urine or temperature - Refer!
Causes: mechanical (sex), irritants eg soap, or infection eg E.coli transfer.
Chronic cystitis may be linked with irritable bladder syndrome & also stress.
Increase hydration - flushes & dilutes urine. Cranberry juice, barley water, dandelion, rosehip & cinnamon teas. Vitamins A&C for repair, D-mannose sugar.
Tea Tree, Lavender, Sandalwood, Bergamot, Ravintsara
Tea tree - Antimicrobial, Bactericidal, Immune stimulant
Sandalwood - Antiseptic, Bactericidal, Tonic for UG
Ravintsara - Antiseptic, Immune tonic
What is it? Symptoms? Causes? What advice would you give a client? What EOs would be appropriate? What would you prepare and how would you advise them to use EOs?
Vaginal overgrowth of candida albicans, result in an imbalance caused by: Diet, lowered immunity, Abx, Steroids, Pill/HRT, pregnancy.
Diabetics are more prone. Stress is often a trigger.
Symptoms: Itching & discharge
Avoid: tight jeans, synthetic undies, washing with perfumed soaps/shower gels. Sugars, wheat, yeast or fermented products.
Do: Increase intake of live yog, kefir, probiotics. Wash with dilute vinegar water. Support immunity esp. gut microbiome, through diet & stress management.
ANTIFUNGAL, TONIC, ANALGESIC, ANTIPRURITIC, ANTI-INFLAMMATORY in buffered bath blend or 2 drops on a panty liner.
Lavender, Tea tree, Palma rosa, Thyme linalol, Geranium
Tea tree - Antifungal, Immune stimulant
Palma rosa - Antifungal, Anti-Inflammatory
Lavender - Analgesic, Fungicidal
What is it? Symptoms? Causes? What advice would you give a client? What EOs would be appropriate? What would you prepare and how would you advise them to use EOs?
Salpingitis - infection of the fallopian tubes, PID infection of uterus & ovaries.
Symptoms: Fever, sharp or severe pain in abdo & on intercourse. Bleeding between periods, unusual discharge - yellow, green. Pain walking, coughing or jumping *Refer!
Boost immunity via diet & lifestyle, consider stress levels & management.
AT supports process of recovery, including baths & local abdo application.
Tea tree - Antimicrobial, Immune stimulant
Palma rosa - Anti-Inflammatory
German Chamomile - Analgesic, Anti-inflammatory
What is it? Symptoms? Causes? What advice would you give a client? What EOs would be appropriate? What would you prepare and how would you advise them to use EOs?
Inflammation & irritation of vaginal area, often associated with discharge.
Causes: Thrush, bacterial conditions eg BV. Chlamydia & other STDs. Irritation & discharge always needs investigation.
May also be a contact dermatitis or allergic response to soaps, washing detergents, spermicides, tight fitting synthetic underwear.
If allergic - ID & avoid allergen. Lavender diluted in aloe gel can relieve symptoms.
Tea tree - Antimicrobial
Lavender - Analgesic, Antimicrobial
Euc. citriodora - Antibacterial, Anti-inflammatory, Analgesic
What is it? Symptoms? Causes? What advice would you give a client? What EOs would be appropriate? What would you prepare and how would you advise them to use EOs?
Vaginal discharge, generally whitish, may be part of normal secretions, linked to particular stages of menstrual cycle.
Changes in normal patterns of secretions should be Referred! to rule out infection
May or may not be associated with Vaginitis.
Women with heavy discharges with no obvious cause may be helped with changes in diet - increasing fruit & veg, decreasing heavily refined foods.
ANTIMICROBIALS, ANALGESICS, TONICS all useful in buffered baths.
Bergamot - Antiseptic, Immune stimulant, Tonic
Juniper - Antimicrobial, Tonic
Tea Tree - Antimicrobial, Immune stimulant
What is it? Symptoms? Causes? What advice would you give a client? What EOs would be appropriate? What would you prepare and how would you advise them to use EOs?
Inflammation of prostate.
Symptoms: Tender lower abdo, difficulty/pain urinating, if infection may have fever, temperature, shivering/sweating.
Refer any difficulty in urinating
Like cystitis it may be acute or chronic, mechanically caused, exacerbated by stress or be the result of infection. If age 20-35 likely to be above causes & not BPH.
Good hydration essential - avoid potential infection caused by conc. & stagnation of urinary flow. Cranberry juice may be helpful.
Baths with U/G TONICS & ANTIMICROBIALS are beneficial.
Tea tree - Antimicrobial, Immune stimulant
Sandalwood - Antiseptic, Bactericidal, U/G tonic
What is it? Symptoms? Causes? What advice would you give a client? What EOs would be appropriate? What would you prepare and how would you advise them to use EOs?
Non-malignant enlargement of prostate. Common in men >50 & increases with age. Qs re changes in urinary habits will reveal symptoms.
Symptoms: Difficulty urinating, frequency of urination, nocturia.
Refer - investigation needed to rule out prostate cancer
Diet support for prostate health maintenance - pumpkin seeds = zinc!
UROGENITAL TONICS & ANTIMICROBIALS in bath can support as BPH may increase tendency to UTIs
Sandalwood - Antiseptic, Bactericidal, U/G tonic
Bergamot - Antiseptic, Tonic, Immune stimulant
Tea Tree - Antimicrobial, Immune stimulant
*CAUTION w/ Lemongrass, May Chang, Melissa as some evidence CITRAL may be linked w/ enlargement of prostate.