Derm VP paths & oils Flashcards
ACNE VULGARIS What is it? What advice would you give a client? What EOs would be appropriate? What would you prepare and how would you advise them to use EOs?
Over active sebaceous glands, causing pore blockage and infection. Can affect face, neck, back. Hormonal & dietary links.
Increase fruit & veg esp. yellow, orange & green.
ANTISEPTIC, CYTOPHYLACTIC & sebum balancing - Palma Rosa, Tea Tree, True Lavender, Frankincense, Geranium.
If body acne a showergel @ 2.5% with Palma Rosa, Tea Tree & True Lavender or Frankincense depending if male or female. Used daily.
If face acne a facewash @ 1% with the above oils and/or a base cream or aloe vera gel @ 1% with Palma Rosa, Lavender & Geranium for female or Palma Rosa & Frankincense if male.
ACNE ROSACEA What is it? What advice would you give a client? What EOs would be appropriate? What would you prepare and how would you advise them to use EOs?
Occurs in pale skinned people 30-40yrs onwards after an initial reaction to heat - eg heat itself or a heating drying substance like alcohol or spicy food.
It causes broken capillaries, toughening of the skin and small hard pimples on the upper cheeks and nose
Decrease alcohol & spicy food.
Increase water consumption.
A good cleansing and moisturising routine is important.
ANTI-INFLAMMATORY, ANTISEPTIC, CYTOPHYLACTIC, COOLING, MOISTENING - Helichrysum, Roman Chamomile, True Lavender, Frankincense, Rose
1% blend in facial oil used 2 x daily - Rose, Frankincense, Helichrysum.
ECZEMA (& DERMATITIS) What is it? What advice would you give a client? What EOs would be appropriate? What would you prepare and how would you advise them to use EOs?
Inflammation of the skin causing red, itchy patches which can crust and weep. Occurs mainly in creases of skin - elbows, knees, between fingers.
Dermatitis - a reaction to a substance in contact with the skin.
Eczema - can be a familial link, often found with asthma, hayfever. There may be food triggers, can be stress linked.
ID triggers & stress management if this is known to be a cause.
Base cream or aloe vera gel @ 2.5% used 2 x daily.
If on hands may use after every hand wash.
PSORIASIS What is it? What advice would you give a client? What EOs would be appropriate? What would you prepare and how would you advise them to use EOs?
Inflammatory chronic autoimmune skin condition caused by over proliferation. Forms dry, scaly red &/or silvery plaques, usually on outside of elbows and knees, also trunk & scalp.
Linked with stress and poor toxin elimination: Check for food intolerances. Decrease coffee & alcohol Increase EFAs - Omegas 3, 6, 9 Stress management.
CYTOPHYLACTIC, ANTI-INFLAMMATORY, ANALGESIC - True Lavender, Roman Chamomile, Frankincense, Bergamot.
Cream (less messy) or enriched base oil @ 2.5% with True Lavender, Frankincense, Bergamot
HERPES 1 oral, 2 genital & Zoster chicken pox & shingles
What is it?
What advice would you give a client?
What EOs would be appropriate?
What would you prepare and how would you advise them to use EOs?
All are contagious viral conditions. Shingles occurs only after primary infection of chicken pox, virus lies dormant in sensory nerves.
Stress triggers all - Each creates painful blisters on the skin and 1, 2 & shingles also have neuralgia in the affected nerves.
Whilst virus is active:
Decrease Arginine rich foods - chocolate, gelatine, nuts
Increase Lysine - all proteins
Melissa, Tea Tree, Geranium, Rose, True Lavender, Bergamot, Sandalwood.
Oral - Antiviral eg Tea Tree neat on blisters w/ Q tip
Genital - Bath w/ 1 drop each Sandalwood, Tea Tree
Zoster - Cream or AV gel @ 2.5% blend Geranium, Lavender, Bergamot
Melissa neat on Q tip on blisters only, avoiding normal skin.
BOILS What is it? What advice would you give a client? What EOs would be appropriate? What would you prepare and how would you advise them to use EOs?
Bacterial infection - linked to decreased immunity, poor diet & stress.
Apply hot compress to draw out boil w/ ANTISEPTIC, ANTIBACTERIAL - Tea Tree, True Lavender
Then base cream or AV gel @ 2.5% blend w/ ANTISEPTIC, CYTOPHYLACTIC - Frankincense, True Lavender
ATHLETE'S FOOT What is it? What advice would you give a client? What EOs would be appropriate? What would you prepare and how would you advise them to use EOs?
Contagious fungal infection (Tinea pedis) often between toes.
Likes damp conditions - dry feet well
Don’t: share towels or wear trainers or nylon socks
Footbath w/ 4 drops Tea Tree - dry feet well!
Follow w/ cream/AV gel 2.5% True Lavender, Tea Tree, Myrrh
WARTS & VERRUCAS What is it? What advice would you give a client? What EOs would be appropriate? What would you prepare and how would you advise them to use EOs?
Contagious viral conditions caused by several varieties of the Human Papilloma Virus. It likes damp conditions.
Don’t: share towels or wear trainers or nylon socks
Apply 1 drop of Tea Tree, True Lavender, Lemon neat on Q tip - apply 2-3 x day
VARICOSE VEINS What is it? What advice would you give a client? What EOs would be appropriate? What would you prepare and how would you advise them to use EOs?
Caused by poor circulatory return, damaged valves causing blood to pool and weakening vein walls. Distended, ropey superficial veins in legs most common.
Compressive massage is contraindicated as it can break up clots forming in the varicose veins.
VEIN TONICS, ANALGESICS - Lavender, Cypress, Geranium
HAEMORRHOIDS What is it? What advice would you give a client? What EOs would be appropriate? What would you prepare and how would you advise them to use EOs?
Enlargement/protrusion of rectal or anal wall, containing enlarged blood vessels.
Diet-linked - insufficient fibre causing constipation.
Pregnancy & child birth causing increased pressure.
VEIN TONICS, VULNERARY (if skin splitting)
Cypress, Geranium
Self application of cream/AV gel 2.5% 2 x day to cleansed site
VARICOSE ULCERS / BED SORES What is it? What advice would you give a client? What EOs would be appropriate? What would you prepare and how would you advise them to use EOs?
Wounds caused by increased venous pressure, causing skin to split. Mostly in immobile, bed or wheelchair bound.
Can be very slow to heal - 4-6 weeks.
Base cream 2.5% blend of Myrrh, Lavender, Frankincense
BURNS What is it? What advice would you give a client? What EOs would be appropriate? What would you prepare and how would you advise them to use EOs?
Damage to skin that kills cells. Usually by heat but also chemicals, electricity & radiation also cause burns.
Neat True Lavender applied immediately may stop blistering.
Follow w/ AV gel 2.5% True Lavender, German Chamomile
INSECT BITES/STINGS What is it? What advice would you give a client? What EOs would be appropriate? What would you prepare and how would you advise them to use EOs?
1st aid application - neat on Q tip - True Lavender, Tea Tree
Nettle rash - True Lavender
Bee & wasp stings 5% in AV gel - German Chamomile
HEADLICE What is it? What advice would you give a client? What EOs would be appropriate? What would you prepare and how would you advise them to use EOs?
Preventative shampoo 1% Rosemary & Tea Tree
Treatment shampoo 5% Tea tree, Pine, True Lavender
Leave on for 5-10 minutes, rinse.
SCARS What is it? What advice would you give a client? What EOs would be appropriate? What would you prepare and how would you advise them to use EOs?
What is left after a wound has healed - never disappear!
Wound must be healed before treatment, the more recent the better the success.
Frankincense, Rose, German Chamomile
Rosehip base oil is beneficial, 2.5%
STRETCH MARKS What is it? What advice would you give a client? What EOs would be appropriate? What would you prepare and how would you advise them to use EOs?
They are scar tissue from damaged, stretched skin, They never go away so don’t give false hope, but can improve their appearance.
1% blend in Vitamin E enriched oil for self massage.
Lavender, Frankincense, Ho Wood