Typical Spinal Nerve Flashcards
31 pairs of spinal nerves
8 cervical, 12 thoracic, 5 lumbar, 5 sacral, 1 coccygeal
dorsal and ventral roots meet within the _________
intervertebral foramen
the typical spinal nerve
once the dorsal and ventral roots come together and we pass the intervertebral foramen
length of typical spinal nerve
what happens as the spinal nerve exists the intervertebral foramen
it bifurcates into ventral and dorsal rami
what forms when dorsal and ventral roots come together
dorsal root
arise from unipolar neurons in spinal ganglia on dorsal root, contain only SENSORY fibers, carry fibers from periphery (skin, muscle, and joint receptors) to CNS
ventral root
arise from grey matter in spinal cord, contains only MOTOR fibers, carries fibers to skeletal muscle and non striated muscle and glands (autonomic function)
dorsal root ganglion
collection of cell bodies/nerves outside of the CNS
spinal nerve
contains both motor and sensory fibers
ventral and dorsal rami
contain both sensory and motor fibers
area of skin supplies with sensory nerve fibers by a SIGNLE DORSAL nerve root and its corresponding spinal nerve, dermatomes of adj. spinal nerves overlap esp. in the thoracic region
group of muscles innervated by a single ventral root and corresponding spinal nerve
an area of bone innervated by a SINGLE DORSAL nerve root and corresponding spinal nerve
lack of innervation or lack or nerve supply