Types of magma/ igneous rocks/structures Flashcards
Enumerate the different types of magma. Which one of them won’t exist as a lava? Why?
Ultramafic (can’t exist as a lava)
- Igneous rocks that are dominantly composed of dark-colored silicates, but can commonly appear green, enriched in olivine, pyroxene, and plagioclase.
-These are major constituents of ophiolites and mantle.
-Peridotite (intrusive)
-Komatiite (extrusive)
- Igneous rocks that are dominantly composed of dark-colored silicates, such as pyroxenes, amphiboles. plagioclase and
- Also called as Basaltic.
- These are major constituents of oceanic crusts.
- Gabbro (intrusive)
- Basalt (extrusive)
-Igneous rocks that are gray-colored to salt-and-pepper, depending on the size of the mineral grains.
-Also called as Andesitic.
-These are major constituents of volcanic arcs.
-Diorite (intrusive)
-Andesite (extrusive)
- Igneous rocks that are dominantly composed of light-colored silicates, such as quartz and feldspars.
-Also called as Granitic.
-These are major constituents of continental crust.
Plutons of more or less irregular shape with surface exposures of more than 100 km².
Plutons with surface exposures less than 100 km².
A tabular, concordant pluton that parallels the country rock.
A dome-like concordant pluton characterized by a dome roof and flat floor.
A dish-shaped concordant pluton that has a “champagne glass” appearance in a section view
Tabular intrusions that cut through the country rock.
Cylindrical dikes exposed by erosion, and represents ancient conduits of old volcanoes.
Cylindrical pipes that can extend up to 20 km deep, and develop through explosive intrusions.
A direct type of classification of composition that involves visual comparison of minerals and determining their volume percentages.
Modal Classification
An indirect
type of classification of composition that analyzes the chemical composition of rocks.
Normative Classification
What are the two factors for igneous classification?
- Composition
- Texture
A plutonic, very dark-colored (ultramafic) rock, depleted in SiO2 (ultrabasic) and commonly enriched in the minerals pyroxene, olivine, and plagioclase. Ultramafic plutonic rocks occur in Earth’s Mantle.
A volcanic, very dark-colored (ultramafic) rock, depleted in SiO2 (ultrabasic) and commonly enriched in the minerals pyroxene, olivine, and plagioclase. Ultramafic plutonic rocks occur in Earth’s Mantle. It’s characterized by its spinifex texture.
This rock is regarded as extinct.
A plutonic, dark-colored (mafic), SiO2-poor (basic) rocks rich in plagioclase, pyroxene and olivine.
A volcanic, dark-colored (mafic), SiO2-poor (basic) rocks rich in plagioclase, pyroxene, and olivine.
A plutonic, salt and pepper-colored (intermediate) rock rich in hornblende, pyroxene, and plagioclase and generally contains more than half to almost two-thirds SiO2
A volcanic, gray-colored (intermediate) hornblende, rock pyroxene rich in and plagioclase and generally contain more than half to almost two-thirds SiO2.
A plutonic, light- colored (felsic) rocks, containing approximately two-thirds SiO2, rich in plagioclase, alkali feldspar and quartz and also containing small amounts of hornblende and biotite.
A volcanic, light-colored (felsic) rocks, containing approximately two-thirds SiO2, rich in plagioclase, alkali feldspar and quartz and also containing small amounts of hornblende and biotite.
A plutonic, light-colored (felsic) rocks containing more than two-thirds SiO2 (silicic or acidic) and rich in quartz, alkali feldspar with small percentages of plagioclase and biotite.
A volcanic, light-colored - (felsic) rocks containing more than two-thirds SiO2 (silicic or acidic) and rich in quartz, alkali feldspar with small percentages of plagioclase and biotite.
Give two examples of felsic, frothy, vesicular rocks?
Pumice (light-colored)
Scoria (Dark-colored and denser)
What are two examples of dark-colored and non-crystalline igneous rock that has a glassy texture?
Obsidian (silicic)
Tachylite (basic)