Types Of Experiments Flashcards
Define lab experiment
An experiment carried out in a controlled setting except one key variable which is altered to see what the effect is
Strengths of lab experiments
- high internal validity - good control over all possible variables
- strict controls mean you can run the study again to check the findings ( replication )
- it’s possible to establish whether one variable actually causes change in another ( casual relationships )
Limitations of lab experiments
- low ecological validity thus too artificial
- demand characteristics, participants may respond according to what they think is being investigated which can bias the results
- ethics, deception is often used making informed consent difficult
Define field experiments
A controlled experiment conducted outside a laboratory where behaviour is measured in a natural environment
Strengths of field experiments
- high ecological validity
- high external validity
- demand characteristics, these can be avoided if participants don’t know they’re in a study
- you can establish casual relationships by manipulating the key variable and measuring its effect
Limitations of field experiments
- low internal validity ( harder to control extraneous & confounding variables )
- ethics , participants who didn’t agree to take part might experience distress and often can’t be debriefed
Observation must respect privacy
Define natural experiment
A research method In Which the experiment has not manipulated the IV affects the DV
( IV is not manipulated because it’s an event which occurs naturally )
Strengths of natural experiments
- ethics , possible to study variables that it would be unethical to manipulate
- high in ecological validity
- demand characteristics - participants may not know they’re in a study so their behaviour is likely to be more natural
Limitations of natural experiments
- many extraneous variables which are a threat to cause and effect conclusions
- participants are not randomly allocated to conditions which may mean that there is some bias
- hard to establish casual relationships - as you don’t manipulate the IV and as other variables could be having a effect
- ethics - deception is often used , making informed consent difficult also confidentiality may be compromised if the community is identifiable
Define quasi experiment
- The researcher isn’t able to use random allocation to put participants in different conditions
- due to the independent variable is a particular feature of the participants such as gender
Strengths of quasi experiment
Control - quasi experiments are often carried out under controlled conditions
Ecological validity - research is often less artificial than lab studies so you’re more likely to be able to generalise the results to real life
Limitations of quasi experiments
Participant allocation - can’t randomly allocate participants to each condition and so confounding variables may affect results
Casual relationships - can be hard to establish cause and effect because the IV isn’t being directly manipulated