Data Analysis and Graphs Flashcards
What are the 3 types of data ?
Nominal data
Ordinal data
Interval data
Define nominal data
Data represented in the form of categories
for eg. How many students in the 6th form drive to school
Nominal data is discrete one item can only appear in one category
Define ordinal data
Data which is ordered in some way
Eg. Ask everyone in the class how much they like the 6th form on a scale of 1-10
Does not have equal intervals between each unit
Would not make sense to say that someone who rated the 6th form a 8 enjoys it twice as much as someone who rated
It 4
What is a disadvantage of using ordinal data?
Lacks precision as its based on subjective opinion
- psychology questionnaires do not measure something ‘real’ as opposed to measuring height for example
- can be referred to as unsafe which is why it is turned into ranks before we can use statistical test on it
Define interval data
Based on numerical scales that include units of equal precisely defined size
Eg. Units of measurements for height , time and temperature
Define discrete data ?
The units of measurement cannot be split up
Can only be exact measures
Define containing data
Measured using a scale of measurement
Eg. Height and distance
Distance has meaning at all points between the numbers given eg. We can travel a distance of 1.2, 1.85 even 1.632 miles
What is measures or central tendency ?
Inform us about central ( or middle ) values for a set of data
The average can be calculated in different ways , each one appropriate for a different situation
Eg. Mean , median , mode
Define mean
Is calculated by adding up the data items and dividing but the number of data items
Define median
The middle value in a ordered list
Define mode
The value that is the most common data item
If two categories or data items have the same frequency the data has two modes
What are some advantages of the mean ?
- it is a very sensitive statistic because it takes account of the exact distance between all the values of all the data
- it is representative of all the data
What are the disadvantages of the mean ?
- if one of the values is extremely high or low ( anomalous ) then the overall mean can be very distorted and thus misrepresent the data
- it cannot be used with nominal data
What are the advantages of using the median ?
- it is not affected by extreme scores so can be useful under such circumstances
- it is easy to calculate
- it is not distorted by any anomalous values
What are the disadvantages of using the median ?
It is less sensitive than the mean because the exact values are not reflected in the median
What are the advantages of of the mode ?
Unaffected by extreme values and is useful for discrete data and is the on,t method which can be used for nominal data
What are the disadvantages of the mode ?
Sometimes there are so many modes that the data cannot be described using this statistic
What are “ measures of dispersion “ and how do you calculate it ?
Finds how dispersed or spread out the data items are
Standard deviation
What is the range ?
- The arithmetic distance between the top and the bottom value in a set of data
- it is customary to add 1
- the addition of 1 is because the bottom number could represent 0.5 below it and the tip number could be 0.5 above it
What is the advantage of the range ?
Easy to calculate
What is the disadvantage of the range ?
- effected by extreme values
- it fails to take into account the distribution of numbers
For eg. It doesn’t indicate whether most numbers are closely grouped around the mean or spread out evenly
What is standard deviation ?
A more precise way of measuring the dispersion of the data
This is a measure of the average distance between each data item above and below the mean informing plus and minus values
Smaller the standard deviation the closer together the values in the set are
Larger standard deviation indicates that the values are more spread out from the mean
What is a advantage of standard deviation ?
Precise measure of dispersion because it takes into account all the values
What is the disadvantage of standard deviation ?
It may hide some of the characteristics of the data set ( eg. Extreme values )
Define context
The situations in which a participant says something and the way they are behaving could be important
Could help the interviewer to understand why something was said and the honesty of a statement
Clearly distinguish what is said by the participant from how they interpret it
Define selection of data
Can be difficult to summarise
Interviewee could be consulted about what to include and how to present it
Interviewer must be aware of how their feelings about the interviewee lead to bias interpretations
Define case study
A in depth study using a range of methods on one person or small group
As it uses a range of different research methods this increases reliability by the process of TRIANGULATION
using a range of different methods is a way of double checking results
What is a advantage of case studies ?
- rich data , researchers have the opportunity to study rare phenomena in a lot of detail
- unique cases, can challenge existing ideas and theories and make suggestions for future research
What are disadvantages of case studies?
- casual relationships - cause and effect cannot be established
- generalisation
- ethics - informed consent
What is a bar chart ?
Used to represent ‘discrete data’ where the data is in categories which are placed on the X axis
- the mean or frequency is on the y axis
- columns do not touch and have equal width and spacing
What is a scatter gram ?
Used for measuring the relationship between two variables
- data from one variable is presented on the X axis while the other is presented on the Y axis
- we plot an X on the graph where the two variables meet
- the pattern of plotted points reveals different types of correlation eg. Positive , negative or no relationship
What is a histogram ?
Used to represent data on a continuous scale
- columns touch because each one forms a single score ( interval ) on a related scale eg. Time , number of hours of homework students do each week
- scores are placed on the X axis
- the height of the column shoes the frequency of values eg. Number of students in each interval - this
What is a line graph ?
Can be used as a alternative to the histogram
- lines show where mid points of each column on a histogram would reach
- particularly useful for comparing two or more conditions simultaneously