British Psychological Society Code Of Ethics Flashcards
Informed consent
- BPS guidelines state the participants should always give informed consent
- they should be told the aims and nature of the study before agreeing to it
- they should also know that they have the right to withdraw at any time
What is the legal age that a participant must be to legally give consent ?
Otherwise a parent must give consent
What occurs in a naturalistic observation where consent is not obtained ?
Must be done in a public location where people would expect to be observed by others
What did Menges (1973) discover ?
- Even when informed consent is supposedly obtained issues may be raised
- he reviewed 1000 American studies and found that 97% had not given people all the information about the research
- if participants have been deceived then they cannot have given informed consent
- sometimes researchers must withhold information about the study because the participants wouldn’t behave naturally if they knew what the aim is
When is deception only acceptable ?
- if there is strong scientific justification for the research
- if there is no alternative procedure available to obtain the data
Issues with deception
- participants could’ve been given general details and as little is said they may feel deceived but if the participants know to much they may not behave naturally
- severity of deception differs
Eg. Research on memory may involve unexpected memory tests that participants weren’t informed about —-> this is less objectionable than the deception involved in milgrams study
Protection from harm
- BPS guidelines say that the risk of harm to participants should be no greater than they would face in their normal lives
- it is hard to accurately assess this
What is allowed in relevance to protection from harm ?
Research procedures can involve physical and psychological discomfort
Eg. GLASS AND SINGER (1972) exposed participants to noise to make them stressed and participants in milgrams research suffered extreme distress
Issues in relevance or protection from harm
Researchers don’t always know in advance what might be distressing for participants
- supposed to return participants to the state they were in before the research
- especially important if deception has been used
None of the participants in a psychological study should be identifiable from any reports that are produced
- Cannot use peoples names in reports
- participants must be warned if their data is not going to be completely anonymous
Right to withdraw
Being able to leave the study when desired
Issues with ethical guidelines
- some researchers may not follow the guidelines properly
- if a psychologist conducts research in an unacceptable way they can’t be banned from research but be kicked out of their university and the BPS
- even when guidelines are followed it can be difficult to assess things like psychological harm or to fully justify the use of deception
- deciding whether the benefits from the study justify how it was done and at what cost is complicate