Types of Attatchment (AO1) Flashcards
Who is the psychologist associated with this sub-topic & what was her experiment called?
Mary Ainsworth & the Strange Situation
What was the aim of the strange situation experiment?
to assess individual differences between mother-infant pairs in terms of the quality of their attachment
Who were the participants of the strange situation experiment?
106 middle class USA infants aged between 12-18 months and their mothers
What was the procedure of the experiment?
controlled, covert observation
8 episodes, each lasting around 3 minutes (except episode 1 which lasts around 30 seconds)
the testing room was an unfamiliar environment, hence ‘strange situation’
5 categories of behaviour were recorded through the two-way mirror
every 15 seconds, the category of behaviour displayed was recorded (time sampling) and scored on an intensity scale of 1 to 7
What were the 5 recorded categories of behaviour?
- proximity & contact-seeking
- exploration & secure-base behaviour
- stranger anxiety
- separation anxiety
- response to reunion
What were the 8 episodes?
- observer takes mother + infant into room, then observer leaves (30s)
- mother allows baby to explore (3 mins)
- stranger enters room (3 mins)
- mother leaves & stranger interacts with baby (3 mins)
- mother returns, stranger leaves & then mother leaves (3 mins)
- baby is alone (3 mins)
- stranger enters & interacts with child (3 mins)
- mother returns, greets + picks up baby & stranger leaves (3 mins)
What were the results of the strange situation experiment?
generally, infants explored the playroom and toys more enthusiastically when just the mother was present
3 attachment types were identified
What are the 3 attachment types?
Insecure Avoidant
Secure Attachment
Insecure Resistant
What % of the infants were each attachment type?
avoidant = 20-25%
secure = 60-75%
resistant = 3%
How did an Insecure Avoidant infant behave in the strange situation experiment?
- infants explore freely
- they do not seek proximity to the mother or show secure base behaviour
- they ignore the mother
- they show little or no distress when she leaves & make little effort to seek proximity when she returns, not requiring comfort at reunion
- mother & stranger treated the same
How did an Secure Attachment infant behave in the strange situation experiment?
- infants explored contently when mother was present, but regularly demonstrated proximity-seeking & secure base behaviour
- they were moderately distressed when she left & showed moderate stranger-anxiety
- on her return they sought proximity & comfort from her, which calmed them down
- mother & stranger were treated very differently
How did an Insecure Resistant infant behave in the strange situation experiment?
- infants seek greater proximity than others
- they were severely distressed by mother leaving & showed severe stranger anxiety
- sought contact with her on return but simultaneously showed anger & resisted contact
Level of Willingness to Explore in the 3 attachment types?
avoidant = high
secure = moderate
resistant =low
Level of Stranger Anxiety in the 3 attachment types?
avoidant = low
secure = moderate
resistant = high
Level of Separation Anixety in the 3 attachment types?
avoidant = low
secure = moderate
resistant = high
Type of Behaviour on Reunion in the 3 attachment types?
avoidant = unbothered & ignores mother
secure = comforted
resistant = wants comfort but resists