Types of anesthesia Flashcards
induction or administration of a drug to obtain partial or complete loss of sensation
absence of pain
types of anesthesia are
general, regional, local, or monitored anesthesia care (MAC)
moderate (conscious) sedation is reported with what
not reported with anesthesia codes but rather is reported with medicine codes
ASA stands for
american society of anesthesiologists
insertion of a tube nto the nose or mouth - passing the tube into the trachea for ventilation
injection of an anesthetic agent into the epidural spaces b/t the vertebrae, also known as peridural, or epidural block
spinal or intraspinal
an injection of local anesthetic into the subarachnoid space around the spinal cord
state of unconsciousness that is accomplished by the use of a drug or combination of drugs administered IM, rectally, IV or by INH
interrupts the sensory nerve conductivity in a region of the obdy and is produced by a field block-forming a wall of anesthesia around the site by means of local injections
accomplished by means of application of an anesthetic agent placed directly on the area involved
EBP - epidural blood patch
when a cerebrospinal fluid leak is closed by means of an injection of the pts blood into the epidural space at or near the area of the dural puncture that was accessed during spinal anesthesia
pt controlled analgesia (PCA)
system that allows the pt to administer an analgesic drug such as morphine to control pain-device is attached to a pump
monitored anesthesia care (MAC)
pt is monitored, and if necessary, sedation is provided, even general anesthesia
MAC are provided by who
an anesthesiologist or CRNA
general anesthesia
used for cases that requires deep sedation, such as open heart surgery or complicated abdominal surgery
regional anesthesia
uses injection to target the nerves of the area being treated
spinal and epidural anesthesia
administered into the cerebral spinal fluid or epidural area of the spine that corresponds with the area being treated, generally used for procedures below the waist
moderate conscious sedation
provided by surgeon or surgeons staff while the surgeon is performing a procedure-decreased level of consciousness that does not put the pt completely to sleep
intraservice (moderate conscious sedation)
time begins with the adminstration of the sedation agent, requires continuous F2F attendance by the physician, and ends when the personal contact by the physician ends
T/F most anesthisea codes are divided 1st by anatomic site and then by specific type of procedure
what sections are not divided by anatomic site
last 4 subsections in anesthesia
last 4 subsections in anesthesia are
- radiologic procedures 01916-01936
- burn excision or debridement 01951-01953
- obstetric 01958-01969
- other procedures 01990-01999
CRNA means
certified registered nurse anesthetists
concurrent modifiers
an anesthesiologyis may medically direct up to 4 cases at the same time (concurrently)
T/F additional modifers that define the types of providers involved in anesthesa are CPT modifiers
F - these modifiers are HCPCS modifers and further define the anesthesia services provided
anesthesia services perfirmed personally by an anesthesiologist
medical supervision by a physician, more that 4 concurrent anesthesia procedures
monitored anesthesia care (MAC) for dep, complex, complicated, or markedly invasive surgical procedure
monitored anesthesia care for pt who has a hx of severe cardiopulmonary condition
medical direction of 2, 3, or four concurrent anesthesia procedures involving qualified individuals
monitored anesthesia care service
CRNA service, with medical direction by a physician
medical direction of 1 CRNA by an anesthesiologist
CRNA service, without medical direction by a physician
01999-unlisted anesthia code
when there is no CPT code to ndicate teh anesthesia services
what type of sedation is not reported with anesthesia codes but rather reported with medicine codes
moderate (conscious)
most anesthesia codes are divided by what site
formula for anesthesia services is based on what three units
base, time and modifying factors
physical status modifers indicate the pts_____at the time anesthesia was administered
physical status modifiers
indicate the pts condition at the time anesthesia was administered and identify the level of complexity of the services provided to the pt
normal healthy pt
pt with mild systemic dz
pt with severe systemic dz
pt with sever systemic dz that is a constant threat to life
moribund pt who is not expected to survive without the operation
declared brain dead pt whose organs are being removed for donor purposes
Swan-Ganz catheter-not a normal service provided during a surgery CPT code is
93503 - some payers will require modifier -59 (distinct procedural service) be appended to the catheter code if another central line is also placed.
formula for anesthesia payment is
B + T + M
B is for
base unit - numerical values to each service
example: 01462 anesthesia for all closed procedures on lower leg, ankle, and foot…..3 + TM
T is for
time - time during which the anesthesia was administered and calculated, in total minutes
time for anesthesia starts when
anesthesiologist begins preparing thept to receive anesthesia nad is in constant attendance with pt, continues through the procedure, and ends when the pt is turned over to the post-anesthesia caregivers
a unit of time is considered
15 min. equal a unit, for some carriers, 1, 10, or 30 min equals a unit
Medicare determines time how
time units are computed by dividing the reported actual anesthesia service time by 15 min and then rounding to one dicimal place
M is for
modifying unit - circumstances or ocnditions that change or modify the environment in which the anesthesia service is provided