Type and Trait theories of personality Flashcards
What are trait theory approaches?
Personalities seen as being composed of different traits, almost like different building blocks
How are traits classified?
- Organsied hierarchically - including over-arching and sub-traits
- Along a continuum
What are personality type approaches?
People are categorised according to their mosr dominant personality features
What is the Myers-Briggs test and who made it?
Made of 16 different personality types, Carl Jung
What is the Barnum Effect?
The tendency to believe that vague predictions or general personality descriptions, such as those offered by astrology, have specific applications to oneself
What are objective tests?
Ask people a standard set of questions about their own personalities, or asked to the degree they agree with a staement (self-report)
What are projective tests?
Ask people to respond to purposefully ambiguous ‘stimuli’ such as pictures/situations e.g. Ink Blot and Themeatic Apperception Test
What are the 5 theories of personality?
Humanistic, Social-cognitive learning, Behavioural, Biological/Genetic, Psychoanalytic
What are the 4 main types of data?
Self-report, Informant reports, Life outcomes, Behavioural observations
What is an example of S-data?
Balanced Inventory of Desirable Responding (Paulhus, 1991)