False positive
We may have to accept the alternative hypothesis when actually the null hypothesis was true.
(Even with a 5% probability results for 2 conditions occurred due to chance, we are still only 95% certain)
False negative
We reject the alternative hypothesis and accept the null when actually alternative was true
Type 1 error
False positive
Accept alternative when really null was true.
(null rejected)
Type 2 error
False negative
Accept null when really alternative was true.
(reject alternative, lead you to affirm null)
‘loose level’
p < 0.05 more prone to type 1 error (false positive)
‘stringent level’
p < 0.01 more likely to make type 2 error (false negative) rejecting alternative when it was true.
highest level of significance
P < 0.01
(least amount of chance factors affecting results)
“not statistically significant at the 5% level”
Probability was higher than 5%, null hypothesis is rejected.