scatter diagrams can be…
Strong positive, Weak positive, No correlation, Strong negative, Weak negative, Perfect positive, Perfect negative.
(degree of correlation)
Correlation meaning
A relationship between two factors/variables.
It is a statistical technique used to measure or quantify the strength of relationship between two variables.
Two measurements taken from same set of participants.
Important to remember:
Do not use experimental terminology when talking about correlations, correlations assess relationship between variables, there are NO IVs involved, nothing is manipulated.
Analysis of correlation:
A graph that shows correlation between two sets of data/ co-variables by plotting dots to represent each pair of scores.
A line of best fit is then drawn through dots to show trend of data.
positive correlation
two variables increase together, not necessarily at same rate.
negative correlation
as one variable increases, other decreases-not necessarily at same rate.
no correlation
no correlation between two sets of data
correlation coefficient
A number falls between +1 and -1.
Calculated using Spearman’s Rho.
Correlation coefficients
Some are written as a positive or a negative correlation with a plus or minus sign before the coefficient (number)
It tells us how closely the co-variables are related.
e.g -0.76 is just as closely correlated as +0.76, its just that -0.76 means as one variable increases the other decreases (negative correlation) and +0.76 means both increase together (positive)
+1 coefficient=
perfect positive correlation
-1 coefficient=
perfect negative correlation
0 correlation=
no correlation
Examples of coefficients and their meanings
+0.8= strong positive
+0.5= moderate positive
+0.3= weak positive
-0.3= weak negative
-0.5= moderate negative
-0.8= strong negative
Directional correlational hypotheses
(One tailed)
Predicts direction result will go in.
-‘positive’ or ‘negative’ RELATIONSHIP.
Non directional correlational hypotheses
(Two tailed)
Predicts a change but not a direction.
‘there will be a RELATIONSHIP between…’