twin studies Flashcards
how many gene variations were linked to developing depression (Hyde et al 2016)
identical twins
monozygotic (share 100% of the same genes)
non-identical twins
dizygotic (share 50% of the same genes)
what does McGuffin 1996 tell us about depression in twins
this shows that depression might be genetic because the monozygotic twins, who share more genes than dizygotic twins, were at greater risk of becoming depressed if one of them was diagnosed
McGuffin 1996
found that if one identical twin became depressed there was a 46% chance that the other twin would too compared to non-identical twins , where there was only a 20% chance that they would both be depressed
diathesis stress model
combines genes and environment to explain the genetic development of depression
genetic predisposition
a gene or genetic combination, which increases the risk of developing depression
strengths of the genetic explanation of depression
we can take away the sigma - if becoming depressed is in your genes, people cannot blame you for being depressed. People in turn become more accepting
Researcher support: Caspi 2003 found that people with a variation in the serotonin transporter gene were more likely to react negatively to stressful life events and develop depression. This supports that genes play a role in depression
weaknesses of the genetic explanation of depression
very deterministic - assumes that if you have certain genes you are likely to become depressed and you cant change that so healing feels pointless
reductionist: fails to consider other factors that could cause depression - to simplistic to assume depression is only linked to a specific gene so we may fail to consider other way to support someone