Tweedledum & Tweedledee scene 5 Flashcards
Clap then!
Yes, very good, well done
Them is some killer moves!
Don’t laugh at him.
I’m not.
And then I go like this-
And then it finishes like this.
And then you clap.
I don’t think she could handle it.
I probably could.
OK, but don’t have a seizure or anything.
I won’t.
Clap then.
That’s a pyramid, is it?
Course it’s a pyramid.
It’s just you two kneeling down next to each other. Shouldn’t there be another person on the top?
No can Doo.
Tweedledoo goes on the top.
Sorry, what?
He was here and then he’s gone away.
Did he say where he was going?
And now there’s only two of us, which means we can’t do a proper pyramid AND we can’t be a proper band.
A music band?
And you can’t be a band with only two.
What was the band called?
Which is a name made out of-
Your names, yeah.
Swotty, she’s a swot.
Why can’t you be in a band with only two?
You’re a man made out of bums.
Boys, come on-
It’s not your maraca, it’s ours.
Why don’t you just share it, OK? How’s that?
Fight you for it!
Share it.
You are too, cause I’m the best fighter.
OK, OK, hang on-
I need help too!
Maybe I shouldn’t fight today, you know, cause I’ve got a bone in my leg.
You don’t have to fight.
But Tweedledoo would stop us fighting, or he’d do something funny so we wouldn’t want to.
My brother used to say ‘don’t laugh don’t laugh don’t laugh’ till I couldn’t stop myself laughing.
Has your brother gone away too?
Yeah. Never coming back.
That’s where your heart is.
And my tummy.
Oh. I was looking for something to do with a heart, wasn’t I?
My hands are all heavy and sad.
So are mine.
You know what Tweedledoo can do?
No, what?
No you can’t.
I laughed so much my pants came off. Not really. It was well funny, though.
How can you talk about it?
Happy things. Remembering happy things.
What d’you mean?
When I think about my brother it makes me feel sick so I mostly try to think about something else.
Come on then. But don’t clap till the end, alright?