Postman Scene 3 Flashcards
Haven’t you got anything for me in there?
Don’t think so.
Um, sorry, could you- would you mind checking? Please.
I do have a round to do, you know.
Yes, thank you.
What’s the name?
Alice. You gave me a letter before.
Not ringing any bells I’m afraid.
This any good to you?
Um, not really.
How about this?
No, I was thinking more like a-
What about this- lovely.
For god’s sake I don’t want stupid knick-knacks I want something proper. What am I going to do with a bloody bucket and spade? I need a letter or a postcard or I don’t know, a message written on a piece of bark I mean something that’ll tell me what to do cause I don’t know what to do.
Just trying to do my job.
I’m sorry.
Under trying circumstances.
I just want to go home. I saw you and I thought you must be coming to give me something.
Let’s have another look, shall we?
Can’t see anything for Alice, I’m afraid. What’s the surname?
Little. Nope.
Got a Joseph Little, I’m guessing that’s not you.
He gets these all the time, this is the only kind of post he gets, this and guitar catalogues. We’ll have to cancel them.
Sorry, d’you know this person?
Don’t fancy delivering that for me, do you?
He’s not here.
Ah well. Pop it back in. Never know when you might bump into someone.
No, I mean he’s gone.
Gone’s where I should be. These knick-knacks won’t deliver themselves, you know.
He’s gone.
Cheerio then.
Gone for always. I’ll never get to tell him I- We’ll never have popcorn together and watch DVD again. He’ll never do that funny face behind mum’s back when she’s being- We’ll never go for a bike ride. He won’t be there to take me to the pub when I’m big enough. I was dreading him going to university next year but he won’t even be going to university now. The stupid- Why was he so stupid? He knows how to cross the road. He bloody taught me how to cross the road.
No, no don’t go- I can’t remember the words. Joe?
Don’t cry- Don’t cry, Alice, don’t-