Turf Flashcards
When do you fertilize cool season turf?
February, September, & November
When do you fertilize warm season turf?
April, May, June, & July onward (but before the end if August)
What height do you mow cool season turf to?
2.5” to 3”
What height do you mow warm season turf to?
.5” to 1.5”
How many lbs of blue grass seed per 1,000 sf?
1-2 lbs of blue grass seed per 1,000 sf
How many lbs of fescue seed per 1,000 sf?
5-6 lbs of fescue grass seed per 1,000 sf
How many lbs of rye grass seed per 1,000 sf?
3-8 lbs of rye grass seed per 1,000 sf
What are the 2 causes of major turf grass diseases?
Fungi & nematodes
What should the soil pH for most turf grasses be?
pH between 6.0-6.5
What should the soil pH for centipede be?
pH 5.5
Tall Fescue
- tolerates heavy wet soil, drought & heat
- few pest problems, but subject to brown patch
- it is a bunch grass
- doesn’t recover well from injury
Kentucky Blue Grass
- western region & northwest piedmont
- likes well drained fertile soil
- not as heat heat/drought tolerant as fescue
- recovers from injury well
Fine Fescue
- Tolerates drought & infertile soils
- does not like heat or high traffic
- prefers cooler weather or shade
Perennial Rye Grass
- good for quick establishment in western region
- low tolerance for extreme temps, shade, or drought
Bermuda Grass
- drought tolerant
- does not like poorly drained soil or shade
- recovers quickly from injury
Zoysia Grass
- good drought tolerance
- full sun to light shade
- needs to be dethatched every few years
- requires less mowing
Centipede Grass
- grows well in full sun to moderate tree shade
- requires little fertilizer & infrequent mowing
- does not tolerate high traffic, compaction or high soil pH well
St Augustine Grass
- sun to shade
- likes well drained soils
- vigorous grower
- must be vegetatively planted
When should you plant warm season turf?
- March through August
When should you plant cool season turf?
- August through November
What is the best way to lime turf?
- if established: aerate & lime
- if new: incorporate lime into root zone area
Aerating & Coring
- do when the grass is actively growing
- don’t do if you have applied preemergents; will lessen effectiveness of preemergent
How do you control thatch?
- when thatch is exceeds 1/2”
- power rake/verticut and core turf
- when buildup is not excessive, cut grass as close to ground as possible at time of spring greenup then power rake.
How do you control summer annual grass weeds?
- apply pre-emergent herbicide early to mid spring
- ie crabgrass, goosegrass, foxtail
How do you control winter annual grass weeds?
- apply pre-emergent herbicide in September once soil temp is below 75 degrees
- i.e. annual blue grass, henbit, ryegrass
How do you control summer broadleaf weeds?
- apply broadleaf herbicide when lawn is actively growing & not drought stressed.
What 3 conditions are needed for a disease to develop?
- Pathogen
- Susceptible Host Plant
- Favorable environmental conditions
What are good cultural practices to prevent/minimize disease?
Irrigate Properly:
- limit length of time foliage is wet & don’t oversaturate soil
Fertilize Properly:
- avoid excessive Nitrogen (phythium blight, brown path, & leaf spot)
- keep grass from being Nitrogen deficient (rusts & dollar spot)
Mow Properly:
- do not mow with dull blades; enhance disease
- do not mow wet grass; encourage spread of disease.