Tuesdays quiz Flashcards
the use of either naturally occurring or deliberately introduced microorganisms or other forms of life to consume and break down environmental pollutants, in order to clean up a polluted site.
Carbon cycle
the series of processes by which carbon compounds are interconverted in the environment, chiefly involving the incorporation of carbon dioxide into living tissue by photosynthesis and its return to the atmosphere through respiration, the decay of dead organisms, and the burning of fossil fuels.
A combination of carbon and oxygen that is dissolved in ocean water
Cellular respiration
The process in which both plants and animals release carbon dioxide back into the atmosphere by converting carbohydrates and oxygen into carbon dioxide and water
The process in which nitrogen is returned to the atmosphere
Rapid plant growth and decay
Geologic uplift
The process of mountain building in which Earths crust folds and deeply buried rock layers rise and are exposed
substances that have dissolved in moist soil
The process in which ammonium is converted into nitrate
Nitrogen cycle
The nutrient cycle in which nitrogen is moved through the biosphere
Nitrogen fixation
The process in which nitrogen gas is converted into compounds that contain nitrate or ammonium
Substances such as the chemicals nitrogen and phosphorus that are required by plants and animals for energy, growth, development, repair, or maintenance; important components of nutrient cycles in the biosphere
Nutrient cycle
The way nutrients are cycled in the biosphere; the continuous flows of nutrients in and out stores
Phosphorus cycle
The nutrient cycle in which phosphorus is moved through the biosphere
A process in which carbon dioxide enters the leaves of prepense of sunlight to produce carbohydrates and oxygen, photosynthesis sometimes occur in micro organisms.
Nutrients that are accumulated for short or long periods of time in Earths atmosphere, oceans, and land masses
The process in which rock is broken downs into smaller fragments
the action of taking up or making use of something that is available.
organic matter used as a fuel, especially in a power station for the generation of electricity.